About the author:
Belyaeva N. M., Kurilenko I. V., Yavorovenko O. B., Hrynevych Yu. F., Danylenko Yu. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Objective: to study characteristics of rehabilitation potential (RP) in disabled participants of anti-terrorist operation (ATO). Object and methods of investigation. 250 ATO participants from central, northern and western regions of Ukraine were studied under inpatient treatment between 2015 and 2017. All patients underwent comprehensive clinical and expert examination according to the standards of medical care and unified clinical protocols of tertiary care and rehabilitation in different pathologies. The following investigation methods were used: general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison); content analysis of medical records and medical expert cases of patients; clinical methods; sociological methods (questionnaire, conversation); medical and biological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. To be enrolled in the study, all patients gave their informed consent to participate. Results. Priority factors in formation of rehabilitation potential level in disabled ATO participants were determined on the basis of multivariate regression analysis. The most significant of them were found to be age (-4.52); dysfunction severity of blood circulation (-5.21), static and dynamic dysfunction (-4.21), mental (-2.02), sensory (hearing and vision) disorders (-1.21); limitation in daily living activities, namely: capability for work-related activity (-5.36), mobility (-4.21), physical self-maintenance (-4.03), orientation (-3.11). Among major psychological criteria studied were cognitive disorders and, consequently, register-syndrome due to exogenous organic disorders (-3.35). Such social factors as “provision of housing” and “financial status” (+2.31 and +2.01, respectively) were of great value as well. “Participation in labor activity” (+4.11) and “rational employment” (+3.50) dominated among work-related factors. Disabled ATO participants required the following rehabilitation measures: “medical rehabilitation” (-4.51), “psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation” (-3.14), “work rehabilitation” (-5.84), provision of technical means of rehabilitation (-4.21) and medical products (-3.11). Thus, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis made it possible to specify the nature of existing relationships in the mathematical model, namely, to determine the functional dependence of RP value (Y) on major study factors (x1-48). Assessment of express model capability showed validity coefficient to be 0.851, the level of significance being p<0.001. Express model proved to be of practical significance in determining RP factors, considering the indices used in medical expert practice. Conclusions. RP in disabled ATO participants is a complex indicator which combines biological, social, occupational, clinical and functional, psychological, expert and rehabilitation factors. Objective early assessment of RP will lead to the development of adequate integral programs for disabled ATO participants.
disabled participants of anti-terrorist operation (ATO), rehabilitation potential (RP), individual rehabilitation program (IRP)
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 320-324 pages, index UDK 616-082:355.11-036.86(477)