Rozhko M. M., Pantus A. V., Yarmoshuk I. R., Kogut V. L.


About the author:

Rozhko M. M., Pantus A. V., Yarmoshuk I. R., Kogut V. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Periodontal tissues disease is one of the most topical issues of modern dentistry. Generalized periodontitis among the population of Ukraine is the problem of modern medicine due to nearly 100% prevalence and constantly increasing affection of young people. The interrelation between structural and functional condition of periodontal tissues and the skeletal system in people of all ages and sexes in different regions of Ukraine has been established. Jaw bony tissue performs supporting function of periodontal tissues. As part of the skeletal system of the body it is also a reserve repository of minerals. Surgical treatment is an integral part of generalized periodontitis comprehensive treatment. Surgical treatment of periodontal disease is the most effective method of obtaining stable positive results. Today, many researchers have noted the important role of jaw bony tissue changes in generalized periodontitis pathogenesis. However, it should be noted that osteotropic drugs aimed at reparative osseogenesis processes activation are insufficiently used for generalized periodontitis treatment. Numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of surgical treatment using osteoplastic material to stimulate repair processes of periodontal tissues. The objective of the research was to improve the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with generalized periodontitis and osteopenia. Clinical observation was performed in 96 patients from 31 to 69 years old. To assess the dynamics of the disease, the determination of the structural and functional status of bone tissue was performed using markers of bone metabolism and by the digital pseudo-documentary technique in SimPlant Pro 11.04 software. During the statistical analysis of the results all the calculations were performed according to variation statistics method with the use of STATISTICA-8, the application package of computer program of medical and statistical calculations. The data were given as the mean ± standard deviation (Mean ± SD). Comparison of the results was performed using Student’s ttest, the difference was considered reliable at p<0.05. Normally, the osteocalcin level was 30.48 ± 0.74 ng/ml, deoxypyridinoline was 3.38 ± 0.13 n/mol. In patients with generalized periodontitis with osteopeny, the osteocalcin level was 18.84 ± 0.8 ng/ml, and deoxypyridinoline was 6.32 ± 0.34 n/mol. Significant changes in the density of bone tissue in the palatine processes of the anterior jaw in patients with generalized periodontitis with osteopenia, as compared to normal, did not occur. The density here was 1161,96 ± 1,130 units. N. in the medial departments and up to 1228,40 ± 2,441 units. N. in distal. There were no significant changes in the area of the upper jaw to 799.75 ± 7.997 units. N. and bone marrow 1161.51 ± 2.288 units. N. The obtained results prove that some decline of mineral density of jaw bone tissue is due to changes in bone tissue characteristic of paradont pathology in combination with violation of general-somatic status, namely the presence of an osteopenic process as an additional aggravating factor, which led to the loss of bone mass in these areas.


generalized periodontitis, osteopenia, swollen bone density


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 340-343 pages, index UDK 616-003.93+616.314.-089+616.314.17-008.1