About the author:
Udod О. А., Glivynska А. О., Tsentilo V. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Ukraine continues to be among the regions characterized by a high prevalence of secondary secondary education among young and middle-aged people. In this case, the most common type of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with this pathology is fixed dentures. However, their use is a serious interference that changes the biological balance of the oral cavity. It is proved that even in the event of compliance with all requirements, in the first 2-3 years of use of dentures in 25% of cases there are complications. The reason for this phenomenon is due to the adverse effect of structural materials on the organs of the oral cavity. Alloys used to make frames of fixed dentures can cause galvanosic phenomena. Fixed dentures serve as additional retention niches for the accumulation of plaque and contribute to the violation of firm tissue supporting teeth and periodontal disease. Due to the pronounced adsorption of bacteria on the structural or facing material, the condition of the microbiocenosis of the oral cavity with the subsequent colonization of the mucous membrane with anaerobic bacteria can be violated. As a result of anaerobic microbiological cleavage of sulfur-containing amino acids, volatile sulfur compounds, the main odorants that form intraoral halitosis, will appear in the oral cavity of the mouth. Objective.To substantiate application of fixed dentures from titanium in patients with intraoral halitosis. Methods and materials.A total of 114 people aged 35-55 years, having fixed dentures in the cavity of the mouth, were examined. There were formed 2 groups: with stamped-soldered dentures and with solid dentures from dental alloys. All patients were sanitized by oral cavity, professional hygiene, anti-inflammatory treatment. In the study, 35 patients (20 persons from the first and 15 persons from the second group) after the complex treatment performed replacing existing dentures for orthopedic titanium constructions. The effectiveness of the treatment was assessed by the dynamics of the indexes of hygiene, PMA, Muhlemann, organoleptic and malometric estimation of halitosis and potentiometric indices. Results.Analysis of the results of the study showed that the lowest level of hygiene was observed in patients with stamped-soldered dentures - 1.29±0.18 balls. Patients with cobalt-chromic and chromium-nickel alloys in the cavity of the mouth had a higher level of oral hygiene - the value of the Green-Vermillion Index was 0.97 ± 0.12 points. On the background of inadequate oral hygiene in patients of both groups, inflammation of the gum mucosa was observed. The index of PMA in the 1st group was 66.79±2.48%, in the 2nd group - 65.57±2.18%. It was registered in 47.69% of group 1 patients (31 persons). In the 2 group of such patients there were more - 67.35% (33 persons). The 161-200 ppb halitosis index, corresponding to the average degree of halitosis, was observed in 40.0% of patients in group 1 (26 people). In the 2nd group, the average degree of halitosis was found in 22.45% of cases (11 people). The concentration of volatile sulfur compounds of more than 200 ppb, corresponding to the severe degree of halitosis, was detected in 8 patients (12.31%) from group 1 and 5 persons (10.2%) from group 2. In the case of replacement of fixed dentures, made of other metals and other technologies, on solid titanium, the normalization of objective parameters is restored, potentiometric indices are restored to normal, and signs of halitosis are not determined.
fixed dentures, bioinert materials, titanium, intraoral halitosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 356-359 pages, index UDK 616.314-77-008.712