About the author:
Fedotova O. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In our time, due to the large number of technological innovations, orthopedic dentistry has raised and increasingly stringent requirements for basic and auxiliary dental materials, since their qualitative characteristics largely determine the functional value of the prosthesis. Of course, this applies to the properties of materials for soft substrates, and in particular — their inertness and the absence of toxic effects on the tissues of the prosthetic bed and the body as a whole. The purpose of our studywas to determine the toxic effects of advanced domestic A-silicone material for the manufacture of two-layered structures for removable dentures with a wrapping part on metabolic processes and biological indices of experimental animals. The object and methods of research. The research was conducted on the basis of the experimental laboratory of the Kharkov National Pharmaceutical University in the sexually mature white rats of the Vistar line (males and females weighing 340-360 g, age 10 months), which were divided into 2 levels of group — I (main) and II (control). The first group received an extract from the soft substrate under investigation for three weeks every day. The control group received distilled water according to the same scheme. Research results and their discussion. During the entire observation period, the physiological state of the experimental rats did not differ from the control ones. Animals of experimental groups were active, clean, had satisfactory appetite, normally responded to sound and light irritants, urination and defecation processes were normal, breathing disruption, and judgment were not observed. Throughout the observation period, experimental group animals did not differ from intact behavior or food intake. In the groups of animals administered PM-SN, the weight dynamics of the body as a whole was similar to the dynamics of body weight of intact animals. According to the obtained data, prolonged intragastric introduction of PM-SN in general did not negatively affect the hematological parameters. Indicators of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase did not differ from animals in the control and experimental groups and were within the physiological norms in animals. PM-SN has not changed the level of glucose. At the end of the study, glucose in experimental animals was not significantly different from the control ones. Serum urea, which characterizes the nitrogen metabolism in the animal’s body, was also within the normal range. Thus, we can conclude that the test substance PM-SN, when administered repeatedly, does not exert a toxic effect on the biochemical parameters of the blood. According to the study, the indices characterizing the activity of the kidneys in the experimental group did not differ from the data of the control group and did not go beyond physiological data. Thus, the substance PM-SN does not exert a toxic effect on the functional state of the kidneys. The macroscopic examination of the internal organs of the differences between the groups administered with PM-SN and intact animals was not detected. The chest and peritoneal cavity did not contain effluvium. The organs are arranged in the same way. The size and shape of the kidneys are not altered, the surface is smooth, the capsule is removed easily, the organ is brown. In the section, a clear picture of the kidney and brain. Conclusion. So, summing up all the results obtained, it can be assured with certainty that the improved domestic A-silicone material for the manufacture of two-layer removable dentures with a wrapping part does not have a toxic effect on the organs and systems of experimental animals and does not significantly alter the metabolic processes and biological indices of the experimental animals.
toxicity, A-silicone material, soft lining
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 360-363 pages, index UDK 616.314-77-092.9-099:678.84