About the author:
Chubii I. Z., Rozhko M. M., Tokaryk H. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Complicated and not clearly defined pathogenesis of generalized periodontitis (GP) continues to present both scientific and practical interest and prompts the development of targeted medical-preventive activities and integrated approach in order to increase the effectiveness of its treatment. It is known that the course of dental diseases is extremely influenced by the environmental state of the environment. Its deterioration causes the growth of active forms of oxygen, which exacerbate the prooxidant processes, which result in the oxidation of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids. 90 people with generalized paradontitis of the 1stand 2nd degree living in ecologically contaminated territories of the Precarpathian region were evaluated for the intensity of oxidative stress. The products of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP)were determined in the blood 3, 6 and 12 months after the complex therapy. In order to reduce the processes of oxidation of proteins, we proposed a comprehensive treatment. It was shown that the local application of laser-irradiated quercetin gel (group IIA and IIB) reduced the number of OMP 356 , OMP370 , OMP 430 , OMP 530 , and approximated them to the control group compared with the use of quercetin alone (IA and IB groups). Thus, OMP processes in all pathological conditions should be under continuous laboratory control, since they are an early indicator of damage to organs and tissues. Patients with IHP stage I have a significant increase in the level of OMB356 in serum for the IA group in 1.75 times and for the IIA group in 1.71 times (P1 <0.001) relative to the control. A group of patients with second stage GPs before treatment has shown a significant increase in the level of OMB356 in serum for IB group at 1.81 times and for 1.B8 group for IIB group (P1 <0.001) relative to control. Patients with GI I degree before treatment there is a significant increase in the level of OMB370 relative to control in serum for IA group in 1.64 times and for ІІА group in 1.71 times (P1 <0.001). Patients with GP II degree before treatment there is a significant increase in the level of OMB370 in serum for IB group in 1.80 times and for the IIB group in 1.75 times (P1 <0.001) relative to control. Patients with IHP stage I have a significant increase in the level of OMB356 in serum for the IA group in 1.75 times and for the IIA group in 1.71 times (P1 <0.001) relative to the control. A group of patients with second stage GPs before treatment has shown a significant increase in the level of OMB356 in serum for IB group at 1.81 times and for 1.B8 group for IIB group (P1 <0.001) relative to control. Patients with GI I degree before treatment there is a significant increase in the level of OMB370 relative to control in serum for IA group in 1.64 times and for ІІА group in 1.71 times (P1 <0.001). Patients with GP II degree before treatment there is a significant increase in the level of OMB370 in serum for IB group in 1.80 times and for the IIB group in 1.75 times (P1 <0.001) relative to control. Patients with GI I degree prior to treatment have a significant significant increase in the level of OMB530 relative to serum control for the IA group at 1.89 times and for the IIA group 1.85 times (P1 <0.001). Patients with patients with GP II degree before treatment there is a significant increase in the level of OMB530 in serum for IB group 2.56 times and for ІІB group in 2.42 times (Р1 <0.001) relative to control. The results of our research have confirmed that the level of OMB in serum depends on the degree of GP. In particular, in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree, there is a significantly greater activation of the processes of oxidative modification of proteins. Accordingly, the growth of this indicator can determine the severity of the pathological process and use its marker intoxication, which should be taken into account during the complex treatment of such patients.
generalized periodontitis, oxidative modification of proteins (OMP), quercetin, laser irradiation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 363-368 pages, index UDK 616.314-085+615.849.1+616.314.18-002.4+547.96