Dychko E. A.


About the author:

Dychko E. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Neutrophils are short-lived cells, they account for up to 95% of the total amount of peripheral blood leukocytes and also contained in tissues; can adhere to endothelial cells, lining the blood vessels and lowering the blood flow, squeezing between the endothelial cells. Neutrophils are one of the first to encounter “unpolluted guests” (pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms) that penetrate through the protective barriers of the organism. Despite the significant progress in the study of the reactivity of neutrophils and mechanisms underlying their reactive response, the ability of neutrophils and anti-inflammatory compounds to reactivate them, remains a poorly researched area of immunology. The purpose of the workwas to study the effects of scoliosis on the reactive response of neutrophil granulocytes of peripheral blood in children 11-14 years old. Object and methods of research. The bases for the study were: a specialized general-education boarding school for scoliosis in Alekseyevo-Druzhkovka city and a comprehensive school № 17 in the Slavyansk Donetsk region. The study was conducted in 19 children aged 11-14 with scoliosis (9 boys and 10 girls). As a control group, similar studies were conducted on 24 practically healthy peers (12 boys and 12 girls). Based on concise information about neutrophils that play a significant role in non-specific antimicrobial defence, we conducted a study aimed at establishing a reactive response of neutrophils of peripheral blood of children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years. Given the importance of all indicators characterizing the reactive response of neutrophils of peripheral blood in practically healthy boys at the age of 11-14 years, it does not differ from the level of indicators in practically healthy girls. That is, in practically healthy children 11-14 years, the reactive response of neutrophils of peripheral blood does not depend on sex. The boys with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 do not differ from practically healthy boys of the corresponding age under the neutrophil reactive response index, the neutrophil shift index, the ratio of neutrophils and monocytes. At the same time, boys with scoliosis increase the index of neutrophil lymphocytic coefficient by 13.18%, the index of shift of leukocytes – by 9.09%. In girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years, the value of the neutrophilic and lymphocytic coefficient increases by 15.36%, the ratio of leukocytes and ESR – by 28.57%, In addition, girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years tended to decrease the neutrophil reactive response index and the neutrophil shift index by 20.0%, as well as the increase in the ratio of neutrophils and monocytes by 2.55%, the index of leukocyte shift – by 11.73%. Conclusions. Comparison of the values of the reactive response rates of neutrophils of peripheral blood in children aged 11-14 years old with scoliosis showed that the neutrophil reactivity index and the neutrophilic shift index in boys and girls with scoliosis did not differ. In boys, the neutrophilic-lymphocytic coefficient is 5.96%, the ratio of leukocytes and ESR is 10.0% and the index of non-specific reactivity of the organism is 7.24%. However, in girls the value of the ratio of neutrophils and monocytes to 14.08% and the lymphocytic granulocytic index is 5.85% higher. Prospects for further research.The main scientific findings in this article are the basis for the next stage of the study aimed at determining the level of adaptive tension in the body of children aged 15-17 years with scoliosis.


children 11-14 years old, scoliosis, cellular reactivity, neutrophils, granulocytes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 377-379 pages, index UDK 616-092:616.711-007.5-053.5:796