Dychko V. V., Sheiko V. I., Bobyrev V. Ye., Vasilevsky V. S.


About the author:

Dychko V. V., Sheiko V. I., Bobyrev V. Ye., Vasilevsky V. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the workwas to study the cellular reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision. Object and methods of research.The study was conducted in 31 children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision (14 boys and 17 girls). As a control group, similar studies were conducted on 30 practically healthy peers (15 boys and 15 girls). In order to determine the importance of sex to the level of cellular reactivity in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision, we conducted studies on cellular reactivity in boys and girls aged 7-10 years who suffer from pathological processes of vision. The work was carried out in accordance with the bioethical norms in accordance with the relevant laws of Ukraine. Results of the research and their discussion.The study showed that the cellular reactivity of children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology increased by 10.10%. According to the hematological index of intoxication for VS Vasiliev, which testifies to the outbreak of intoxication beyond the interstitial space and the manifestation of endotoxicosis at the level of peripheral blood. Increased immune-hematological index of intoxication by VS Vasiliev in children with visual pathology forms a tendency to decrease the level of leukocyte index of intoxication for Y.Ya. Calf-Caliph – at 4.93%, the index of the ratio of leukocytes and ESR – by 1.09%, and the lymphocytic granulocytic index. In addition, the growth of the hematological index of intoxication confirms the growth of cellular reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision – by 3,59%. A slight (by 1.09%) reduction of the ratio of leukocytes and ESR indicates a negligible advantage of the presence of intoxication, which is associated with infectious intoxication compared with the autoimmune process (endotoxinization). This is confirmed by an increase of 15.52% of the total index of differentiation intoxication. The index of cellular reactivity of the body of girls aged 7-10 years with a pathological view is higher – by 40.77% compared to the figure for boys. For increased cellular reactivity in boys with pathology of vision, there is an increase – by 4.79% of the hematological index of intoxication according to VS. Vasiliev, but this indicator is not accompanied by a decrease in leukocyte indexes of intoxication, which suggests that in boys of this age with the pathology of the eye intoxication does not go beyond the interstitial space, and endotoxicosis does not manifest itself at the level of peripheral blood that is present in girls. In girls with visual pathology, the 5.51% lymphocytic granulocytic index is growing, which is evidence of the prevalence of infectious intoxication in girls, and in boys, intoxication of autoimmune processes is prevalent – apoptosis or destruction of its own cells throughout the body. Confirmation of these processes in girls and boys is the level of the differential index of intoxication, which boys tend to increase by 3.65%. Conclusions.The cellular reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with the pathology of vision depends on gender. According to the index of cellular reactivity of the organism, the lymphocytic granulocytic index, the cellular reactivity of the organism in girls is higher than that of boys. Intoxication in girls is more pronounced by the infectious process (microbial), in boys of this age with pathological view intoxication is caused by autoimmune (endogenous) processes. Prospects for further research.The main scientific findings obtained in this article are the basis for the next stage of the study aimed at determining the influence of the pathology of vision on the cellular reactivity of the body of children with visual pathology in the age of 11-14 years.


children 7-10 years old, visual pathology, cellular reactivity of the organism


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 380-382 pages, index UDK 616-092.18:616-099:617.7-053.5