About the author:
Hryhorieva O. A., Cherniavskyi A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The features of the formation of connective tissue is attracting increasing attention due to the exceptional prevalence of connective tissue components in all organs and its participation in the protective, metabolic, morphogenetic and biomechanical processes. Therefore, any changes in the structural organization of the connective tissue as such as undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) can cause various pathological conditions. Intrauterine infection can be the reason for developing of UCTD and accompanied by the penetration of infectious agents to the fetus. It was found that intrauterine administration of antigens causes acceleration of lymphocytes migration from the thymus to the internal organs, which can affect the development of these organs. Yet, changes in the structure of the connective tissue in the ventricles of rat’s myocardium caused by intrauterine administration of staphylococcal anatoxin are still not studied. Objective. Studying the features of the content of connective tissue fibers in the ventricles of rat’s myocardium in normal conditions and after antenatal antigen impact. Object and methods. 144 hearts of laboratory rats were investigated. They were divided into 3 groups: I group – intact rats, ІІ – control group, that get intrauterine injection of Sodium Chloride solution 0.9% 0.05 ml on the 18th day of antenatal development. III – the experimental group of rats, who were injected by 0.05 ml of anatoxin in a similar method. Serial sections were stained with orcein, van Gieson method and impregnation with silver carbonate by Lilly. Results and discussion. The area occupied by the connective tissue in ventricles of newborn experimental group animals is smaller than in the control and intact groups. Smaller rates in the experimental group are observed during the first three weeks. From 21th to 45th days the values of collagen fibers were significantly lower in experimental group in comparison to control and intact groups. The type III collagen fibers content at 14, 21, 30 and 45 days were significantly higher in animals of I and II groups in comparison with indexes of experimental group. Disproportional connective tissue growth can be considered as UCTD which in the future may lead to decreasing of the adaptive capacity of the myocardium. Conclusions. Intrauterine antenatal administration of the antigen may cause a disturbance in the formation of the connective tissue of the heart. The significant decrease of growth of the relative volume of collagen fibers at 21, 30 and 45 days observed in the experimental rat’s myocardium in comparison with the control and intact groups. These changes may be a manifestation of UCTD and become the basis for the development of pathological conditions and limitate the adaptive abilities of the heart in the future
connective tissue, heart, intrauterine fetal exposure, antigen
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 262-265 pages, index UDK 611.127.018.63:612.647]:615.357]].08-599.323.45