About the author:
Hryn V. H., Kostylenko Y. P., Brovarnyk Y. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the research process of medical schools to simulate a number of processes are widely used laboratory white rats. However, in the literature in the necessary information about the completeness of the specific structure of the large intestine of the animal species. Without these sufficient morphological data, one cannot count on the legality of extrapolating the results of experimental modeling to humans. The purpose of the study was a detailed and legible studying the anatomical features of the large intestine of white rats. Object and methods of research. The study was carried out on 80 white male rats. The material for the study was the remote areas of the large intestine. After their removal, fixation was performed in a 10% solution of neutral formalin, photographing the external and internal (mucous) surfaces. In other cases, the gastrointestinal tract of animals was filled through the esophagus with air, physiological saline and self-hardening plastic (Latacryl-S), and then subjected to acid corrosion, obtaining casts of the internal cavities of the objects under study. Results of work. The study of the anatomical features of the large intestine of white rats highlighted significant differences cecum and colon primary card from the relevant department of the human gastrointestinal tract. Cecum, in contrast to that of human, is an extensive, nodular reservoir, the maximum capacity of which is almost twice the capacity of the stomach. The initial division of the colon is a unique formation in which the mucous membrane forms a corrugated folding that serves for the granular formation of feces. Conclusions. The large intestine of white rats is different from the relevant department of the human gastrointestinal tract some very important anatomical features that are inherent primarily to its two departments – the cecum and the initial part of the colon. The most distal small intestine of white rats is the immediate entrance to the cecum, which is located near the exit of the initial part of the colon, which gives reason to consider it (the cecum), unlike that of the human, to be a special, extremely extensive, nodular reservoir, the maximum capacity of which is almost twice the capacity of the stomach. A completely unique formation in the gastrointestinal tract of white rats is the initial part of the colon, in which the mucous membrane forms a peculiar grooved folding consisting of two strictly ordered on both sides of the intestinal tube, rows of oblique semicircular folds-riffles. These morphological features should significantly distinguish the final stages of the digestive process in rats compared with those of the human. Taking this into account, we believe that the colon of white rats cannot serve as an adequate model in the experimental reproduction of the corresponding human diseases.
anatomy, white rats, cecum, colon
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 265-270 pages, index UDK 616.345:599.323.4