About the author:
Labii Yu. A., Gavaleshko V. P., Rozhko V. I., Kotelban I. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article provides a review of literature concerning orthopedic dentures in children. The article presents data on the prevalence of dentition defects in children, the causes of their occurrence and prosthodontic treatment needs. The high level of tooth decay and its complications, the increase of traumatic dental lesions and congenital anomalies of the hard tissues structure, as well as the need for frequent replacement of fillings in children create unfavorable conditions for the formation of a complete chewing apparatus. Domestic and foreign specialists note a significant increase in the incidence of dental and dentition defects in the pediatric population, which testifies to the urgency of studying this rather acute problem in pediatric dentistry. According to various authors, the incidence of dental anomalies in children and adolescents is increasing from 50.8% to 81%. The analysis of national literature data on the features of prosthetics in children with temporary, variable and permanent bites is presented. Delayed replacement of the dental rows defects in the temporary bite leads to tooth-alveolar elongation of teeth-antagonists and shortening of the dental row due to displacement of teeth in place of the missing, the severity degree of which depends on the defect prescription. Destruction of the approximal surfaces of the crowns of temporary and permanent molars leads to a mesial shift behind the teeth found, a shortened dental arch, misuse of the teeth and their retention, pathological bites. In the period of temporary occlusion, partial removable dentures are used, which have high functional, aesthetic and anatomical parameters with a plane mounting system, which is considered more rational in orthopedic dentistry. During the period of variable occlusion, the main cause of dental row defects is trauma. For prosthetics of dental rows defects in this age period were used bridges with bilateral rigid fixation. During the period of permanent occlusion, patients’ requirements for aesthetics are much greater, especially with defects in the frontal area. The authors developed an adhesive bridge prosthesis with support on the tabs of their own design. Data from literature sources were analyzed, in which the authors describe the results of the implementation of advanced orthopedic structures of fixed and removable dentures.
children, dental rows defects, dentures, crowns, dentition anomalies, prevention.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 28-33 pages, index UDK 616.314.2-77-053.2