About the author:
Hetsko N. V., Marushchak M. I., Koval M. I., Krynytska I. Y.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Research purpose. To investigate the changes of protein fractions of blood serum in rats in case of passive tobacco smoking combined with prolonged administration of monosodium glutamate in the age aspect. Object and research methods. Experiments were performed on 64 white male mature rats, which were kept on a standard vivarium diet. Each group of animals was divided into four subgroups: I – control (n=8); ІІ – rats with modeled passive tobacco smoking (n=8); ІІІ – rats, which were injected with monosodium glutamate (n=8); IV – rats with modeled passive tobacco smoking combined with the monosodium glutamate injection (n=8). The determination of blood serum protein fractions was performed on a Forescan 001 analyzer (Quertimed, Kharkiv). Research results and their discussion. In case of secondhand tobacco smoking in mature rats, we have established a marked decrease of albumin, α1 - and α2 -globulins and increase of β- and γ-globulins fractions. After prolonged administration of monosodium glutamate, we have established a marked decrease of albumin, α1 - globulins and increase of β-globulins. The contents of α2 -globulins and γ-globulins didn’t change. The combination of secondhand tobacco smoking and monosodium glutamate administration was accompanied by more pronounced dysproteinemia. In immature rats all investigated serum protein fractions changed more pronounced. Conclusion. Therefore, secondhand tobacco smoke in rats with monosodium glutamate is accompanied by more pronounced dysproteinemia (a likely decrease in albumin, α1 - and α2 -globulins due to increased β- and γ-globulins fractions) relative to the isolated effect of tobacco smoke. In the age aspect, dysproteinemia is more pronounced in immature rats.
secondhand tobacco smokе, monosodium glutamate, protein fractions.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 78-82 pages, index UDK 612.398.13:616-099:547.466.64]-092.9