About the author:
Latsynska S. A., Turitska T. G., Shevchenko V. A., Frankenberg A. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the study was studying the spectrum of pollen group substances that cause respiratory sensitization among adults and children in the Dnipro region as of early 2019. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay investigated serum venous blood with the determination of specific IgE for up to 7 pollen allergens: Ambrosia absinthium, Artemisia absinthium, Artemisia vulgaris, Atriplex lentiformis, Heliánthus ánnuus, Zea maus, and Plantago lanceolata. Applied kits for the quantification of allergen-specific IgE from “Vitrotest Specific-IgE”. The research of allergen spectrum was conducted for 200 individuals who had clinical allergies of varying severity and who approached the laboratory to specify the etiological causes of their illness. As a result of the analysis of the obtained data was established the distribution of dust allergens of Dnipro by their prevalence. The distribution of hypersensitivity are determined to each specific allergen and their cross-reactivity. The highest prevalence of hyperreactivity was found for the high ragweed pollen (about 90%), followed by Polyn bitter, Polyn common and sunflower (more than 50% studied). A fraction of less than 50% is gradually formed by corn pollen, plantain and lutea. The share of inadequately high results (more than 60%) was noted in sensitization to pollen bitter and ragweed; Polina’s usual pollen is typical in 50% of cases; about a third – to pollen of corn and sunflower; less than 10-15% – pollen of Lutyga and plantain. The most expected is a particularly strong relationship between ragweed pollen and wormwood (r = 0,73-0,93, P˂0,05). Molecular diagnostics researches at the eponymous level in the representatives of both plants have identified a number of side allergenic proteins and one major, major protein, which is the cause of increased sensitivity of the organism of people prone to this allergy. A high level of correlation occurred between common pollen and sunflower pollen (r = 0,93, P˂0,01). Sunflower pollen is also characterized by a close correlation with maize (r = 0,91, P˂0,01). A special case is the extremely high dependence of the pollen of the lute and plantain (r = 0,96, P˂0,01). It was found that inverse cases of allergy were not characteristic in any of the cases, and only combinations of them were possible. The results may be obtained a prerequisite for further research involving a molecular method to determine major and minor proteins in cases of the highest interrelationships, in order to identify not only a specific allergen as an etiological factor but also a particular sensitizing protein that is part of them.
allergy, sensitization, allergen-specific IgE, pollen allergens, Dniprо.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 125-130 pages, index UDK 616-056.3