About the author:
Mehdiyeva L. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim is to assess the clinical and anamnestic characteristics of women with PCOS and thyroid dysfunction living in the region of chronic iodine deficiency. Methods. The results of the examination of 100 patients with PCOS and 20 healthy women of the control group were analyzed. Patients in the study were selected by open cohort method as they were directly treated. The first group included 60 patients with PCOS alone, the second group included 40 patients with PCOS and associated hypothyroidism. Diagnostic criteria in PCOS patients were: various disorders of menstrual function, endocrine infertility, the presence of hirsutism, clinical and/or biochemical manifestations of hyperandrogenism, echographic signs of polycystic ovaries. The severity of hirsutism was assessed on the Ferriman-Galvey scale. Results. It was revealed that the majority of patients, both the main and control groups were women of active reproductive age from 18 to 34 years: 51 (85.0%) – in the first group, 33 (82.5%) – in the second and 18 (90.0%) – in the control group. In General, overweight and obesity were more common in patients with PCOS than in women in the control group (p<0.05). The study of marital status showed that 75.0% (n=15) of women in the control group, 71.7% (n=43) of the first and 72.5% (n=29) of the second group were married. 5 (25.0%) women of the control group, 17 (28.3%) patients of the first and 11 (27.5%) patients of the second group were unmarried. When determining the place of residence, it was found that among all patients in the city of Sheki lived 34 (56.7%) women of the first group, 14 (35.0%) – the second and 7 (35.0%) – the control group. In the countryside – 26 (43,3%), 26 (65,0%) and 13 (65.0%) women, respectively. Analysis of the causes of reproductive dysfunction showed that 38 (63.3%) patients of the first and 30 (75.0%) – the second group had infertility associated with endocrine factor. Primary infertility was indicated by 26 (43.3%) and 6 (15.0%) women, secondary infertility was indicated by 12 (20.0%) and 24 (60.0%) patients of the first and second observation groups, respectively. In the control group, there were no indications of a complicated gynecological history on the part of patients (p<0.05). In the analysis of menstrual function, it was found that all women with PCOS menstrual cycle was not regular, there were violations of the type of oligomenorrhea (p<0.05). In women of the control group, the menstrual cycle was regular, without disorders. Thus, taking into account the regional factor of chronic iodine deficiency, it was established that patients with PCOS and thyroid pathology had certain clinical and anamnestic features. The combined course of PCOS with hypothyroidism is observed with the greatest androgenization. In women with PCOS and thyroid pathology, hyperandrogenism and obesity are more marked. In turn, a burdened history of hypothyroidism causes various polycystic ovarian changes. Conclusion. In women with PCOS with combined pathology, a burdened somatic and obstetric-gynecological history is characteristic
polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency, history
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 150-153 pages, index UDK 618.11-006.2-031.14-008.06