About the author:
Ogorenko V. V., Hnenna O. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
HIV epidemiological situation in Ukraine necessitates continuous training of staff working in the field of HIV prevention and treatment. There is an urgent need for doctors to be aware of HIV infection and exclude stigmatizing attitude to people with HIV. The purpose of the study. To investigate the attitude of students of IV year of the State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” towards people living with HIV. Research materials and methods. An anonymous survey was conducted using the adapted CDC (2004) Handbook for Evaluating HIV Education questionnaire to achieve this aim. The study involved 96 students fourth-year education of the State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, with an average age of 20.7, among whom were 69 women (71.6%) and 27 men (28.4%). The questionnaire consists of three parts: a passport that includes the age and gender of the respondent, questions regarding students’ general awareness of HIV and attitudes toward people living with HIV. The total number of questions in the questionnaire is – 23 closed-ended questions with variants of answers (“agree”, “disagree”, “do not know”). Results and discussion. There is tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive people prevails among the students: 79 (82.3%) students are ready for communication and social contacts with people living with HIV, negative attitude was found in 17 students (17.7%), overall grade point average 5.8 (0.25) – M (SD). 43.75% of students believe that people with drug abuse are predominant among HIV infected and 34.38% of students are convinced that HIV is more prevalent among people who have a lot of sexual relations. Students demonstrated satisfactory general knowledge about the features of HIV/AIDS, infection pathways, and the role of the physician in the relationship with HIV-positive patients. For medical students, there are certain difficulties in building a close relationship with HIV-infected persons especially the establishment of bodily contacts and interaction in personal spheres of life: 37.5% of students refused to visit bathroom with HIV positive person, 36.46% – would stop visiting their favorite restaurant or any other food consumption establishment if they learned that the cook had HIV-positive status; 21.87% – did not agree to continue attending a massage session. Almost a quarter of the answers “do not know” to each question demonstrate the existence of contradictions in their attitude to people with HIV. 31.25% of students would terminate their relations with their partners who they have feelings for if they learned about their HIV-positive status. The results of the study revealed insufficient awareness of medical students about antiretroviral prophylaxis with vertical infection: 16.67% students agreed that HIV-positive pregnant women should not give birth and 16.67% stated that they did not know the correct answer. If consider professional relationship with people who have HIV 23,96% of students agreed that they would feel uncomfortable while maintaining a professional relationship with HIV-positive person. 11.46% of them would stop the practice of a doctors if they knew about their positive HIV-status; 16,67% – would not visit doctor with HIV. Conclusion. In spite of the moderately tolerant attitude of students towards people with HIV, there were hidden stigmatization, fear of the possibility of being infected, insufficient awareness of HIV/AIDS among future physicians, which underlines the needs to form anti-stigmatization directions and humane attitudes during of treatment process of people who live with HIV
HIV infected, stigmatization, discrimination, anti-stigmatization direction, medical students.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 168-171 pages, index UDK 616.98: 578.828ВІЛ-07-08:614.253.4:159.923