About the author:
Sahan N. T.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today’s reformation of higher education determines the introduction and improvement of modern teaching methods, including information technologies (testing). Testing significantly increases the students’ learning effectiveness, thus encouraging them to work independently that substantially individualizes the learning process. For this reason, the teachers of our department have worked out various computer-based assessment programs, which cover the study material on each topic, section, the entire course of the discipline, allowing the teacher to objectively evaluate the students’ knowledge of the subject. Usually, each practice session is allocated time to test students at the beginning (10 minutes) and at the end (10 minutes) of the class. At the beginning of the class, we determine the initial (entrance control) level of students’ knowledge, that is, evaluate the students’ capabilities entering the practical training class. For this purpose we use graphical tests, which are mainly the multiple-choice items, where students are to choose the only possible correct answer. According to the results of the test, students are conditionally redistributed into two groups: those who are ready to comprehend the material and students who need additional individual instructions of the teacher. On completion of the test students usually have their «error analysis session», and are given the possibility to consult the teacher about their wrong answers. Entrance testing is not a goal in itself or formal activity, but marks the beginning of the process of accumulation and organization of statistical information about each student’s achievement; determines the opportunity for the teacher to predict and plan the learning activity, determine its priorities, maintain an individual approach to students. The obtained test results allow teachers to adjust the learning process, taking into account the capabilities of each student while preparing tasks for student’s self-guided and individual work. At the end of each classroom session, tests are used to determine the final level of students’ knowledge and involve case studies on the topic of the lesson taken from the «KROK 1» test database. Such tests provide for the control and assessment of knowledge and make it possible to check the ability of students to prove, review and seek the solution for specific tasks. At the end of each content module, students have to undergo final modular control, as defined by the curriculum, the main part of which is testing. Final testing still includes tasks taken from the «KROK 1» test database for students of stomatological faculties on the given subject of the content module. According to the rector’s order, passing «KROK 1» examination testing is considered to be the leading indicator in the assessment of the university training outcomes. The analysis of the results of licensed «KROK 1» exam made it possible to conclude that students’ achievements on the “Human Anatomy” discipline are on the increase annually after the implementation of the testing system into the educational process for the students of stomatological faculty. Thus, in 2016 dental students’ progress on the «KROK 1» in «Human Anatomy» increased by 7% as compared to the previous year, while in 2017 it increased by 8.76%, and in 2018 – by 9.6%, which indicates the effectiveness of wide use of testing programs. However, along with the positive, there are some problematic issues which do not diminish the importance of information technologies use in the educational process of medical universities.
testing, human anatomy, dental students.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 269-271 pages, index UDK 378.146+614.253.1+616.314