About the author:
Qasimzade I. T
Type of article:
Scentific article
Pelvic organ prolapse (PT) and stress urinary incontinence (SNM) are extremely common pathologies that affect up to 50% of women. Not presenting direct threat to the life, these diseases in more than half of the patients, lead to various manifestation of incontinence and in the long-run to social disadaptation and serious emotional problems. According to the results of studies, the need to correct the position of tapes was seen in 11.6-60% of cases, which indicates the obvious urgency of the problem. The aim of this study is improvement efficiency and safety of the treatment of patients with pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence by using new techniques of surgical correction. Object and methods. A prospective study conducted on 22 patient’s by Modified Kharkovsk’s method of SUI and prolapses performed at German hospital in Baku, Azerbaijan, from January of 2019 till December of 2019 y. Total 22 number of patients were included to the current study. Current study included two groups of patients the first group of patients who undergo retropubic sling surgery without removing the uterus and the second one is group with total or subtotal removal of the uterus along with retropubic sling. 12 patients in the first group, and 10 in the second group. Medical records of the patients identified were reviewed, factors examined included demographic details, preoperative diagnosis, past gynecological surgery, method of anesthesia, length of operation, intra-operative and post-operative complications, length of stay in hospital and findings at post-operative review (at 6-12 weeks after surgery). Results and discussion. Up to now, we have applied this technique in 20 cases. The clinical results, also checked by tonometry and sonography, were satisfying. No bladder or urethral perforations were noted. Post-operatively 22% (5/22) required recatheterisation in the short term of one week following surgery, readjustment was required in 13% (3/22) and 4.5% (1/22). Retropubic sling is a surgical sling procedure for treating SUI in female patients and is accessible to most patients. The advantages of this method are cheapness, allograft as it is taken from its own aponeurosis and the most important is the possibility of regulation after surgery. Statistical analysis using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was performed. No significant difference at the 5% level was noted. Conclusion. Retropubic sling is a surgical sling procedure for treating SUI in female patients and is accessible to most patients.
retropubic sling, prolapses, stress urinary incontinence.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 278-280 pages, index UDK 616.62-008.222