About the author:
Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Kobeniak M. M., Sidorenko M. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The experiment involved 5 rabbits (different sexes) aged 8-10 months and weighing 2.6±0.2 kg. An upper-middle-lower-middle laparotomy was performed. During the revision of the gastrointestinal tract, measurements of the length of the latter were made, which averaged 462.8 cm. The departments of the small and large intestine were visually identified, which had the following parameters: small intestine – 266.4 (57.6%) cm, large intestine – 196.4 (42.4%) cm. The small intestine includes the following section: duodenum the intestine, the colon and the ileum, which corresponds to the anatomical divisions of the small intestine. With respect to the large intestine, it is found that it is divided into 4 sections: the caecum, the large colon, the small colon, and the rectum. Such differences are due to lifestyle and nutrition. The blood supply to the abdominal cavity is due to the branches of the abdominal artery, which extends from the abdominal aorta in the medial direction relative to the latter. The small intestine is supplied by the long mesentery at the root of which the lower mesenteric artery originates. Accordingly, the blood supply to the departments of the large intestine is due to a short mesentery at the root of which the upper mesenteric artery originates. Anatomically, the upper and lower mesenteric arteries extend from the abdominal aorta along its lateral margin 2 cm below the abdominal artery and at a distance of 1.4 cm relative to each other. At the expense of the anastomoses, the caecum and the ileum receive blood supply, both from the upper and lower iliac arteries. The mesenteric vessels formed arcades I, II, III, and VI of the order, respectively, from the root of the mesentery toward the intestinal walls. Upon closer examination, it is determined that short and long mesentery form anastomoses with the common leaves of the visceral peritoneum between which divisions, both the large and small intestines. Taking into account the data of the conducted researches it can be argued that the features of the structure of the middle compartment of the digestive system and its blood supply system have similar structures with the human anatomical system. This fact makes it possible to carry out experimental studies in different directions, and especially the influence of suture materials on the intestinal tissues when applying intestinal sutures and forming anastomoses.
colon and small intestine, blood supply, experiment.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 294-297 pages, index UDK 611.34:611.136-092.9