About the author:
Krynytska I. Ya., Marushchak M. I., Kamyshnyi O. M., Badiuk O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Research purpose. To investigate the ultrastructural features of the respiratory part of lung in rats with simulated hepatopulmonary syndrome. Object and research methods. The study was conducted on 28 adult non-linear male rats weighing 200-230 g. The HPS model was created by applying a double ligature to the common bile duct and then crossing it with a scalpel. On the 31st day after the operation, the animals were removed from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia. The sampling of the material for electron microscopy studies was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology. Research results and their discussion. Electron microscopic studies of the respiratory department of animal lungs at 31 day after crossing the common bile duct revealed significant changes in all structural components in many alveoli. Expansion and blood filling of the gaps of the blood capillaries in the alveoli were observed, and blood cells were detected in them. The ultrastructure of the components of the air-hematic barrier also changed significantly. Under the conditions of experimental HPS, the ultrastructure of type II alveolocytes was disturbed. The established state of organelles providing secretory process in alveolocytes of the second type indicates their low secretory activity and inhibition of surfactant production. Submicroscopic studies have shown an increase in the number of alveolar macrophages and their activation in animals on the 31st day after crossing the common bile duct. Conclusion. Electron microscopic studies of the respiratory department of the lungs in rats with simulated hepatopulmonary syndrome revealed changes in all structural components of the alveoli, airborne barrier, ultrastructure of the alveolocytes of the second type and an increase in the number of active alveolar macrophages, which is probably the structural basis of hepatopulmonary syndrome with impaired pulmonary blood flow, violation of ventilation/perfusion ratio and development of arterial hypoxemia.
hepatopulmonary syndrome, lungs, ultrastructure.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 304-308 pages, index UDK 616.36/616.24-002.8-02]-092.9