About the author:
Sohuyko R. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Jaw injuries occupy one of the most prominent places among the pathologies with which patients are referred to the clinic of maxillofacial surgery. The data of modern medical scientific literature show that as a result of bone-destructive trauma both the quality and mineral composition of bone tissue change. The purpose of our study was to investigate the post-traumatic dynamics of indicators of bone density of the mandible and its mineral content, on the background of the lincomycin use in the experiment. Object and methods of research. The study was performed on 20 male rats with weight 180-200 g and 3.5 months of age. Injury was simulated by breaking the integrity of the mandibular bone in the area of molars with the help of dental drill. The operation was performed under thiopental anesthesia. After trauma within 6 days, animals were given lincomycin (30%) at a dosage of 25 mg/kg intravenously 1 time a day. Quality control of the bone tissue of the injured area of the mandible was performed using Siemens radiograph with Trophy Radiology software. The unit of measurement of tissue density was taken as the conventional unit of grayness (CUG). Atomic absorption spectral analysis was used to determine the mineral content of the mandible of the rat, which made it possible to detect in the samples of eight mineral elements (calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), strontium (Sr), zinc (Zn)). The concentration of the studied elements in bone samples was indicated in mg/g. Studies of the quality and mineral composition of the mandibular bone tissue were performed 1, 2, and 3 weeks after injury. Results of the study and their discussion. The results of the studies showed that the density of the bone tissue of the mandible and its mineral content within three weeks after the bone-destructive trauma have an expressed dynamics. Within two weeks after the trauma, the density of the mandibular bone tissue in the traumatic area gradually increases and decreases by the end of the third week of the experiment. The analysis of the mineral composition of the bone tissue of the lower jaw of the rat in norm and after the application of surgical trauma allowed determine the quantitative content of four macroelements (Ca, P, Mg, Na) and four microelements (K, Fe, Sr, Zn). Calcium, iron, and strontium content increase throughout the experiment and reach a maximum level three weeks after injury. The amount of calcium increases almost three times in comparison with the norm, the iron content doubles, and the strontium content only slightly exceeds the norm. Phosphorus content during the experiment has minimal dynamics and three weeks after injury only slightly exceeds the norm. The amount of magnesium decreases during the first week of the experiment, rises above the norm during the second week, and decreases sharply by the end of the third, reaching a minimum value. The sodium and potassium content decreases sharply during the first week of the experiment and gradually increases by the end of the third week. At the end of the experiment, the amount of sodium was higher and the potassium was lower than in the control. The content of zinc in the bone of the mandible after the injury increases sharply by the end of the first week of the experiment, and during the second decreases and remains almost unchanged during the third week, only slightly exceeding the norm. Among the studied macroelements, specific shares of calcium, slightly less phosphorus, sodium and magnesium are the largest. Among the studied microelements, the largest share belongs to potassium, slightly less to iron and the lowest to strontium and zinc. Absolute indices of the content of the studied macro- and microelements have an expressed dynamics characteristic for each element. Similarities between the dynamics of the investigated elements and bone density were not detected. Further study of peculiarities of post-traumatic dynamics of quality and mineral content of bone under the conditions of application of various corrective drugs will allow optimize the course of processes of post-traumatic bone regeneration in the clinic of maxillofacial surgery and traumatology.
bone tissue, mandible, trauma, density, mineral composition.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 320-325 pages, index UDK 611.716.4-001-018.4:612.015.31:615.33]-08