About the author:
Chumachenko O. Y., Redka O. H.
Type of article:
Scentific article
It is generally accepted that the pituitary (hypophisis cerebri), lower cerebral appendage or pituitary gland (glandula pituitaria) is an organ of internal secretion that produces a number of hormones that have a regulatory effect on the peripheral endocrine glands and on certain types of mine of substances. The study of professional literature has shown that morphofunctional changes of the organs of the endocrine system under conditions of various pathological conditions, as well as under the influence of toxic substances have been repeatedly reported in the literature. In this case, the analysis of the literature indicates the fragmentation and insufficiency of studying the issues of morphological and functional changes of the adenohypophysis under the action of red sludge in different ages. Therefore, the study of structural and functional rearrangements that occur in pituitary cells under the conditions of red sludge is an important problem of modern theoretical and practical biology and medicine. In this regard, the study of morphofunctional changes of the adenohypophysis under chronic intoxication with red sludge is not only relevant but also needs further study. Non-linear white rats – males of different ages 14- (body weight 20-50 g – maturation period), 45- (body weight 150-200 g – puberty), and 180-day subjects were the object for studying the status of adenohypophysis in postnatal ontogeny. (body weight 530-560 g – reproductive period). Each series of experiments included 10 rats. Animals were kept in the vivarium under equal conditions, with a complete diet and the same light regime. The rats were with their mother before puberty, ie up to 45 days of age. The long-lasting effect of red sludge on the rats was achieved by the daily presence of animals on a sludge mat 5-7 mm thick (with weekly updates), starting with the day of birth. The withdrawal from the experiment was performed depending on the observation period for 14-, 45- and 180- day life of the animals by instantaneous decapitation at 12-13 h. day. The experimental part of the study was carried out in the autumn – winter period. There were no fatal cases among animals. The results of cytological rearrangements and functional changes of corticotropic cells obtained in the study of intact 14-, 45- and 180-day-old male rats are an indisputable evidence of age-related dynamics of growth of activity of the corticotropic function of the adenohypophysis. Staying for 14 days in rats under red sludge causes the development of a stress reaction. Functional activity in the corticotropic cells of the anterior lobe of the adenohypophysis increases, but in some corticotropes, signs of dystrophic changes and destructive alterations are noted. 45-day-old animals under the conditions of red sludge undergo changes that are characteristic of the beginning of the stage of exhaustion of the general adaptation syndrome. Corticotropic pituitary function decreases. In the ultrastructure of corticotrops, dystrophic changes and destructive rearrangements are determined both in the nucleus structures and in the cell membranes of the cytoplasm and the endothelium of the hemocapillary bed. At longer distances, red sludge (in 180-day animals) suppression of corticotropic function of the adenohypophysis continues. However, in the ultrastructural organization of individual corticotrops, there are poorly expressed signs of intracellular regeneration corresponding to the stage of exhaustion of the general adaptation syndrome.
adenohypophysis, red mud, corticotropic cells.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 334-340 pages, index UDK 572.786: 546.175