About the author:
Vozniy O. V., Pavlov S. V., Sydorenko O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Under the conditions of the modern industrial production, organisms of workers are influenced by a complex of pathogenic factors that cause metabolism impairment, thus leading to pathological changes in the organs and tissues of the oral cavity. Data of many researches prove that a totality of occupational and industrial factors contributes to the development of chronic diseases of the oral cavity, such as inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity mucosa, periodontal tissues, carious and non-carious lesions of hard tissues of teeth. Unfavorable ecological and industrial factors have a direct impact on functional systems, change hemostasis of the body which results in changes in neurohumoral regulation and pathological changes in the oral cavity. Main dangerous factors include unfavorable microclimate parameters and pollution of the working area with harmful substances. The research was aimed at studying dental health in those employees of medical educational establishments, who have harmful working conditions. In order to fulfill research tasks, 161 patients have been examined. Dental status evaluation was performed by means of standard examination. Medical treatment record with additions in accordance with research tasks was registered for every patient. Results were processed statistically, employing Student’s criterion. During the examination period carious cavities in teeth, absence of teeth, number of fillings were registered, CFE index was analyzed, and periodontal index was evaluated. During the examination, the interrelation between all the diseases in certain age groups of employees, genderdetermined differences in complaints and diseases, and pathologies in case of excavated teeth were analyzed. In the result of the complex dental examination of employees of medical educational establishments with harmful working conditions, high values of caries and periodontics intensity and extension have been found. An increase in work experience and, consequently, the duration of professional contact with harmful factors affects the extension of dental diseases. Prospects for further research will be directed to the scientific substantiation of an effective program of prevention of dental diseases in workers of medical institutions with harmful working conditions.
dental diseases, prevalence, harmful working conditions.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 361-364 pages, index UDK 616.31:[613.6:[378:61]-057]-07