About the author:
Garmash O. V., Gubina-Vakulik G. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
This research is an experimental study of the long-term effect of fetal macrosomia on the morphofunctional state of pulp, hard tooth tissues, and periodontal tissues of three-month- and six-month-old animals. The investigation takes into account the particularities of animal intrauterine somatotype: macrosomia with acceleration, macrosomia with harmonious (well-balanced) intrauterine development, and relative intrauterine insufficiency of body weight or macrosomia with intrauterine obesity. Object and research methods. This study has been conducted using rats of the Wistar Albino Glaxo population. The offspring of such rats were removed from the experiment on 90th and 180th day after birth. Macrosomia was modeled using four different macrosomia formation models. Immediately after birth, the rats were weighed and divided into five groups (each of 5–6 individuals) taking into account the calculated weight-height parameters and the ways of modeling macrosomia. The carious process intensity was calculated, 5 – 6 μm thick sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Halocyanin-chromium alum according to Einarson (for total nucleic acids), picrofuxin according to Van Gieson (to determine interstitial connective tissue collagen), and the PAS-reaction was performed on glycoproteins. Conclusions. The state of hard tooth tissues and tooth pulp is reliably worse in animals born with the signs of intrauterine obesity. Whereas a negative effect has been revealed on periodontal tissue when the prenatal period proceeded with relative insufficiency of body weight or the prenatal period was characterized by adequately increased somatometric indices of body weight and body length, and the animals were borne with macrosomia. Correlation analysis showed that the larger the body mass index of an animal at birth, the higher its tendency to carious lesions formation.
fetal macrosomia, rat, oral cavity.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 365-372 pages, index UDK 616.314-092.9-007.61