About the author:
Gurbanalieva G. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose. Determination of the incidence and severity of dental hyperesthesia using indices of intensity and prevalence of dental hyperesthesia. Methods. In order to identify the frequency of occurrence of increased tooth sensitivity in patients aged 20-45 years and the features of its clinical course in different age groups, as well as assess the effectiveness of various tools and methods, comprehensive treatment and preventive measures, questionnaires and clinical studies of the oral cavity in general complexity 378 patients. Results. Among young people, an average of 20% to 71% of people suffered from increased sensitivity of hard tooth tissues, various degrees of severity, and 93 people from the same age group were diagnosed with a generalized form of hypersensitivity. Moreover, in its main part, hyperesthesia of the teeth was associated with the loss of hard tissues, indicating a functional insufficiency of enamel and dentin of the teeth. In the first age group, a localized form of hyperesthesia was observed in 38 (29.0 ± 3.96%) male and female people, and the generalized form of the studied pathology among young people, as mentioned above, was diagnosed in relatively rare cases. Comparative analysis of statistical data obtained for the study group of patients, that is, in the middle age group, hyperesthesia, diagnosed only in the area of individual teeth, was observed in approximately 30.8±4.22% of patients, which is almost similar to the results in the younger age group. A similar pattern emerged in the compared first and second age groups in the frequency of occurrence of generalized forms of hypersensitivity of hard tissues of the teeth. This form of hyperesthesia occurred in middle age and was detected in 69.2±4.22% of patients. In almost the same number of cases, this type of hypersensitivity of the teeth was detected at a young age, that is, in the first age-sex group. Slightly less frequently in the second group was diagnosed with hypersensitivity of the teeth of the third degree – in 22.5±3.81% of cases. And the lowest values for the prevalence and intensity of hyperesthesia of hard tissues of the teeth of the first degree were observed among men and women in the middle age group. The indicators obtained for this factor were approximately 15.0±3.26%. 47.2±4.43% of people of the third age group, which consisted of older patients who went to the clinic for the treatment of hyperesthesia of the teeth, combined with non-carious lesions of the teeth, and gum recession, often characterizing the condition of the parotid tissues in this age group, suffered from hyperesthesia of the first degree of severity. And for other forms of the studied pathology, a sharp difference in the obtained indicators was revealed for different age groups. Conclusion. It seems appropriate to accumulate and analyze information on the prevalence, intensity and severity, as well as the effectiveness of treatment of dental hyperesthesia to use quite objective diagnostic methods that will track the dynamics of the studied pathology and the effectiveness of the therapy
hyperesthesia, prevalence, gender.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 372-376 pages, index UDK 616. 31 + 612. 017. 3