About the author:
Boriak Kh. R., Vesnina L. E.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Global trends indicate a rapid increase in the number of overweight and obese people among elderly and young adults. Increased body weight even without diagnosed clinical signs can affect the physical and social functioning of the person, psychological and mental state, satisfaction with their lives and reduce its quality. The aim of the study was to determine influence of high body weight on the life quality of young people. 84 people of both sexes and ages ranging from 18 to 25 participated in the study. Grouping was performed by body mass index (BMI). The control group (BMI 18,50-24,99 kg/m2 ) included 22 males and 22 females, the group with high body weight (BMI 25,00-29,99 kg/m2 ) – 20 males and 20 females. Anthropometric measurements included determination of height, body weight, circumference of waist and hips, their ratio. Caliperometry method was used to determine the thickness of the skin folds and calculated the percentage of body fat by the sum of three folds. Quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire. The results obtained are statistically processed. The negative impact of weight gain on the quality of life of young people has been confirmed. Males with high body mass had significantly decreased indicators of physical functioning, role physical and emotional functioning, pain, general physical and mental health. Significantly decreased indicators of role physical functioning by 27,09%, role emotional functioning by 35,52%, respectively, compared to indicators of the control group. Females had significantly decreased physical functioning, overall health, pain intensity, vitality, social functioning, role emotional functioning, mental health and the mental health component. The indicators of the mental component of health reached a significant decrease – the indicator of life activity decreased by 21,50%, social functioning by 24,96%, role emotional functioning by 28,08%. There was a significant decrease in all indicators, which are combined into scales of the physical component of health for men, and the mental component of health for women. The correlation analysis revealed the formation of reliable positive correlation relationships mainly of the average strength between anthropometric indicators and quality of life indicators in the control group and negative relationships mainly of average strength in the overweight people of both sexes.
overweight, anthropometric parameters, body mass index, quality of life.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 390-394 pages, index UDK 616-056.5-053.81