Про автора:
Цвіліховський В. І., Текдемір І. О., Махендірараса Л. П.
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Наукова стаття
Escherichiosis is an infectious disease whose intensity of manifestation depends on the strain that triggered the disease, the condition of the organism, the age of the patient, etc., and the effectiveness of treatment is determined by timely identification of the disease and adequately selected therapeutic agents. The use of hypobiosis in case of escherichiosis can be a fundamentally new and most effective way of eliminating the disease and recovering the body. Goal. Investigate the influence of the state of hypobiosis and removal from this state on the time frames of survival potential of animals with untreated escherichiosis in the context of the hypobiosis application at the initial signs of the disease, progressive symptoms and at the stage of exhaustion of the organism. Methods. The introduction into the state of artificial hypobiosis of rats weighing 60±5 g was performed using the Bakhmetev-Andjus method, tested duration of hypobiosis was 1, 3, and 6 hours. Escherichiosis was modelled using Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, at a dose of 3×108 CVE/50 g. The first, second and third days from the onset of symptoms were considered as the initial stage of the disease, progressing and the stage of total exhaustion of the organism. The percentage of survival/mortality of animals and the presence/absence of symptoms of the disease were evaluated in 1, 3 and 6 days after removal from the state of hypobiosis. Results. The introduction of animals into the state of artificial hypobiosis at the initial stage of the disease, regardless of the chosen duration of the experiment, is accompanied by almost complete elimination of the symptoms of escherichiosis after removing the animals from artificial hibernation and stopping the development of the infectious process. In this case, the death of animals from escherichiosis occurring against the background of hypobiotic changes in the body, is levelled to 0 %. Rejection of food, lethargy, inhibition of reaction, infrequent vomiting was observed only in 10 % of animals after removal from the state of hypobiosis. This whole list of symptoms was no longer duplicated the next day or the other days of observations. Animals selected for the experiment at the stage of progressive symptoms of the disease after removal from the state of hypobiosis in 1, 3 and 6 hours showed 100 % survival. Inexpressive symptoms of escherichiosis occurred in 20 % of animals only on day 1 after removal from hypobiosis. Subsequently, no cases of development of infection with the typical stages were recorded for these animals, therefore, the recorded symptoms can be considered as a result of self-purification of the body from the dead bacteria. Among animals introduced into the state of artificial hypobiosis at the stage of total exhaustion of the body from escherichiosis, 20 %, 10 % and 30 % mortality in accordance with the duration of 1, 3 and 6 hours of experimental hypobiosis were recorded. The deaths were only recorded within the first 24 hours after removal from artificial hibernation. Symptoms typical of the disease were recorded in surviving animals and on day 3 after the experiment. Therefore, the highest survival rate is characteristic of animals that have been in hypercapnia and hypoxia for 3 hours. Among them, there were significantly fewer animals with symptoms of escherichiosis after 1 and 3 days. Thus, by applying hypobiosis, the risk of death from the disease can be reduced by at least 20 % even at the last stages of escherichiosis. Conclusions. A clear algorithm for simulation of experimental escherichiosis in young animals is established – in case of oral infection the development of the infectious process lasts 6-7 days: the incubation period is 3 days, the animals are sick for 3-4 days. The first day of infection is the initial stage of the disease, the second day is the stage of progressive symptoms of escherichiosis, the third or fourth day of infection is the stage of total exhaustion of the body. The use of hypobiosis has a positive effect on the dynamics of the infectious process, depending on the stage of development of escherichiosis, at which the animals were selected for experiment and the duration of action of this state. The introduction of hypobiosis, irrespective of its duration, reduced the mortality of rats to 0 % at the initial stage and the stage of progressive symptoms. Once the animals have been removed from the state of hypobiosis, the infection does not return. The introduction of animals with escherichiosis into a state of hypobiosis at the stage of total exhaustion of their body is effective, provided that the animals spend 3 hours in the state of artificial hibernation. This increases animal survival by 20 % compared to controls.
Ключові слова:
В результаті проведених досліджень виявлено, що при пероральному інфікуванні організму молодих щурів ентеротоксигенним штамом Escherіchіa colі ATCC 25922 в дозі 3×108 Куо/50 г маси тіла щура, розвиток інфекції можна поділити на стадію перших симптомів хвороби (1-а доба), стадію прогресуючої симптоматики ешерихіозу (2-а доба), стадія тотального виснаження організму (3 доба). Без відповідного лікування смертність тварин сягала 30 %. Виявлена позитивна роль стану гіпобіозу на організм в ракурсі динаміки інфекційного процесу, що залежало від етапу розвитку ешерихіозу, на якому тварин було відібрано в експеримент. Введення тварин у стан гіпобіозу на 1, 3 і 6 годин на етапі перших симптомів хвороби і на стадії прогресуючої симптоматики знижувало смертність щурів до 0 %. При цьому тільки для 10 % і 20 % тварин на першу добу після виведення із стану гіпобіозу відмічена млявість, відмова від їжі, нечасті блювотні позиви, чого надалі не фіксувалося. Таким чином, впровадження гіпобіозу на цих стадіях носить виражений бактерицидний ефект, адже після виведення тварин із стану гіпобіозу інфекція більше не турбує їх. Тривалість гіпобіозу у 1, 3 і 6 годин на початковій стадії хвороби і стадії прогресуючої симптоматики є ефективною. Введення у стан гіпобіозу хворих на ешерихіоз тварин на стадії тотального виснаження їх організму є ефективним за умови, що тварини в стані штучної гібернації проведуть 3 години. Це підвищує виживаність тварин на 20 % порівняно із контрольними.
Список цитованої літератури:
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Публікація статті:
«Вістник проблем біології і медицини» Випуск 4 Том 2 (154), 2019 рік , 62-67 сторінки, код УДК 57.084.1: 579.61:616-06:616-06