Bukhanchenko O. P., Havryliev V. M., Ivanytska O. S., Boiko I. V., Ivanytskyi I. O., Rozkolupa O. O.


About the author:

Bukhanchenko O. P., Havryliev V. M., Ivanytska O. S., Boiko I. V., Ivanytskyi I. O., Rozkolupa O. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. The modern development of Ukrainian medicine in the context of global trends and perceptions of a human, their life as the major value, requires the creation and implementation of a quality system for continuous education of a harmonious personality of a future specialist, who is characterized not only by deep knowledge in the field of medical and theoretical, clinical, chemical and pharmaceutical disciplines, but also a diverse general culture, awareness of universal, national and state priorities. The aim of this article is to determine the essence and main tasks for the effective functioning of the system of educational work in higher education at the current level of development of society. Research results and their discussion. It is the teacher’s duty not only to provide medical students with the skills of practical work, but also to form in them a worldview inherent in a comprehensively educated, harmoniously developed personality with a high level of public conscience and universal values. First of all, it is about fostering respect, compassion for the patient, awareness of the value of human life. At the same time, student volunteering in such areas as health care, ecology, social protection of humans and animals, etc., can be considered as one of the components in the professional training of future physicians. The future doctor is not only a competent specialist, but also a conscious citizen who upholds the democratic values and moral norms established in the mentality of their people, ready to work for the prosperity of their country, strengthening its authority. Therefore, considerable attention in educational work, certainly, should be paid to the formation of national consciousness in young men and women, deep patriotic feelings and beliefs, devotion to the Motherland, responsibility for its fate, protection, development of historical memory. Admitting the great importance of educational work in the training of highly qualified specialists, the administration of Poltava State Medical University considers it an integral component of the overall educational process. In recent years, it has become systematically complex and clearly organized. Traditional events, such as celebrations of public holidays, significant dates in the history of the university, meetings with prominent people, famous doctors, thematic meetings, memorial events are complemented by new forms that take into account the interests and preferences of modern youth. Thus, students willingly participate in various flash mobs – mass actions organized through social networks, aimed at forming patriotic feelings, civic qualities, involvement in the philanthropic activity of future doctors. Increasingly, educational activities take the form of trainings, challenges of socially significant, professional, charitable orientation. The significant educational influence was the participation of the volunteer team of PSMU «Unity» and volunteer teams operating at the departments of the Faculty of Dentistry, in All-Ukrainian projects and events initiated by volunteers themselves. Every teacher in higher education should be involved in a large range of activities, including the educational component of the training process, and the group sponsor has a special responsibility. It is the group sponsor who needs to take care of providing an individual approach to educational work with students, which should take into account differences in their social and financial status, national characteristics, living conditions, values and so on. Conclusion. Currently, our state is going through a difficult period of its formation, development and establishment. The success of this process largely depends on the spiritual potential of the nation, civic responsibility, and high moral qualities of the younger generation. This necessitates a more practical integration of the educational component into the modern training process at universities.


: еducational component, formation of a personality.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 186-190 pages, index UDK 378.147: 614.25: 616.314