Horzov L. F., Holovchak V. Y., Danko E. M., Slobodyanyuk A. S.


About the author:

Horzov L. F., Holovchak V. Y., Danko E. M., Slobodyanyuk A. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, all countries began to introduce quarantine measures, which resulted in the transition to a distance learning format for all educational institutions for an indefinite period of time. In a relatively short period of time, we have had to adapt to the online format of work and study processes. The readiness for this process was relative, due to technical problems – the lack of a stable Internet, computer software, training materials in the format of online resources. It became clear that humanity has reached a new stage of development, where distance learning plays a significant role, which is why it has become important to adapt this style of learning and, accordingly, the ability to continue working without radical change. Since October 2020, the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry has a group created by the head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Assoc. Gorzov LF In the distance learning mode, a Telegram channel was created to continue the work of the group – 215 participants and a social page on Instagram – 373 readers. Planning the online activities of the research group included not only determining the scope and content of the educational process, but also carefully tracking how we will maintain different types of interactions in the future (student-content, student-student and student-teacher), which is important aspect of the learning process. This approach recognizes the social and cognitive nature of the learning structure, rather than the usual issue of information sharing. The aim of the study. To analyze the structure and features of the format of remote work of the student scientific group on therapeutic dentistry in quarantine. Object and research methods When the pandemic suddenly spread to all spheres of life, distance learning became the only way to communicate with students. In Ukraine, distance learning is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 31.10.2013. № 1518 “On approval of the Requirements to higher educational institutions and institutions of postgraduate education, scientific, educational and scientific institutions. Research results. The transition to distance learning has significantly transformed the structure of classes, as one of the priority opportunities of students, namely contact with the patient, has become inaccessible. According to the survey, the group members were divided into two groups: Group I – 93 readers of the Instagram group (25%) – operate with a theoretical and practical interest in working in the group. Group II – 280 people (75%) – focus exclusively on the practical aspects of the club; lost interest when the possibility of physical interaction with the patient became unavailable. Another disadvantage of online learning is partial asociality, ie the possibility of direct communication between students is lost. Conclusions. Due to strict quarantine restrictions, distance learning is an integral and, in fact, the only form of organization of the educational process for all, without exception, educational fields. However, it is in no way able to reproduce the live communication of students with each other, with the patient and the teacher.


pandemic, distance learning, features of work, social networks, scientific circle.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (163), 2022 year, 191-194 pages, index UDK 616.314.1:37.018.43+37.091.322