About the author:
Fedorov S. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Motivation is force that drives a person in certain behaviour. It’s a broad concept which is important in all spheres of life (education, sport, interpersonal relationships, health etc.). The field of medical education has become interested in motivation recently, having always assumed that medical students must be motivated because of their commitment to highly specific training, leading to a very specific profession. However, motivation is a major determinant of the quality of learning and success, the lack of which may well explain why teachers sometimes observe medical students who are discouraged, have lost interest or abandon their studies, with a feeling of powerlessness or resignation. Many studies have illustrated that, despite the time and cost, a large number of students have changed or quit the field of studying. This failure to the large extent may be due to lack of knowledge about the field; that is, unfamiliarity of the learning context for students, or lack of motivation in the field. Due to the significance of educational motivation in students’ success in recent decades, psychologists have endeavoured to pinpoint the factors that greatly influence motivation. The ability and willingness of instructors in teaching encouragement, attention to individual differences, as well as the appropriateness of the curriculum, higher education officials’ attention to the problems of the university and training equipment all have effects on students’ educational motivation. Researchers founded that students who have a close relationship with their teacher are more motivated to learn. As mentioned above, there is a close association between motivation and learning, educational achievement, and even in the learners’ job satisfaction. Most studies have focused only on students’ motivation levels. Improving doctors’ motivation is generally viewed as important because high achievement is due to high motivation, with related to factors both inside and outside of motivation.
motivation, continuing professional development
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (143), 2018 year, 268-270 pages, index UDK 608.1+614.22