About the author:
Davidenko V. L., Pochueva T. V., Golovko N. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article gives a detailed analysis of the research results of a total hydroxyproline content and its fractions in blood serum of 86 patients with different forms of epiglottitis aged 20 to 81, receiving hospital treatment. Object and methods of investigation. The patients were divided into 2 groups: infiltrative form of acute epiglottitis and abscess form. The control group consisted of 20 healthy people aged 22 to 45. The content of hydroxyproline was determined by the reaction of oxidative polycondensation with para-dimethylbenzaldehyde. The fractionation was carried out by comparative study of biomaterial to acid hydrolysis. Results and discussion. The changes of the studied parameters in the dynamics of the disease are analyzed: in the acute period and 30 days after the onset of clinical symptoms. In patients with infiltrative form in the acute period, the increase of the content of bound hydroxyproline is determined. This indicates generally the insignificant activity of the catabolism processes of collagen and the rapid incorporation of the restoration processes. In patients with an abscess form of epiglottitis, an increase in total hydroxyproline is observed by 32.2% in the acute period of the disease and by 27.9% in 30 days after the onset of the disease. It was characterized by increased in the content of bound hydroxyproline – for an acute period by 25.5% and 35.2% in 30 days. Free hydroxyproline also increased in the acute period, and in 30 days – by 38.3% and 20% respectively. Conclusions. Analysis of the fractional composition of connective tissue metabolites in serum of patients with abscess of epiglottis showed an increase in free, bound and total hydroxyproline, indicating the presence of inflammatory and destructive processes in the connective tissue, which was the collagen degeneration in cartilaginous tissue during the acute period of the disease. Quantitative determination of hydroxyproline content and its fractions in the blood of patients with epiglottitis in the dynamics of the disease is necessary for differential diagnosis, improvement and effectiveness of therapeutic tools and measures.
epiglottitis, infiltrative form, abscess form, hydroxyproline, hydroxyproline fraction
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 105-108 pages, index UDK 616. 311.4 – 002.155:[677.112.383.3+577.114].088.6