About the author:
Sklyarova Yu. O., Fomenko I. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Small intestinal injury is known to be one of the most commonly appearing pathologies, resulting in the use of medications such as: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antitumor drugs and angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. ACE inhibitors induce bowel angioedema, manifested in patients as abruptonset abdominal pain and nausea, with vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. The principal objective of this study was to evaluate the action of a H2S donors NaHS at doses 1 and 10 mg/kg and L-cysteine at a dose 30 mg/kg on parameters of NO-synthase system and oxidative stress in small intestine of rats under condition of enalapril an ACE inhibitor (2 mg/kg/day) enterotoxic action. The structure of this study and the experimental procedures performed on the animals were approved by the Ethical Committee of Lviv National Medical University. The experimental procedures were carried out in accordance with the international guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals. Male, outbred albino rats weighing 200–220 g were used. Enalapril, an ACE inhibitor was introduced three times in a dose 2mg/kg/day to induce enteropathy. H2S donors NaHS at doses 1 and 10 mg/kg and L-cysteine at a dose 30 mg/kg were used for the correction of enterotoxic enalapril action. In the mucosa of small intestine were determined: malonic dialdehyde (MDA) concentration, activity of myeloperoxydase (MPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, NO-synthases (NOS). It was shown that the introduction of enalapril didn’t cause any visible changes of the small intestine surface, however led to activation of myeloperoxidase, indicating inflammatory process, the increase of lipid peroxidation processes intensity manifested by the rise of MDA concentration and the decrease of catalase activity. All this together make special preconditions leading to the development of oxidative stress in small intestine and enteropathia formation. Inhibition of agiotensine-converting enzyme led to the decrease of activity of constitutive NO-synthase and arginase. Introduction of NaHS at doses 1 and 10 mg/kg at the background of enalapril action caused to the significant decrease of MPO activity, increase of activity of the constitutive NOsynthase and arginase. L-cystein decreased MDA concentration and the activity of catalase, however didn’t act on MPO activity. Received results on the one hand show that H2S released was involved in mechanisms cytoprotection in small intestine on the other hand prove the relationship between metabolism of gaseous mediators: hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide.
enteropathy, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide, hydrogen sulfide, small intestinal mucosa
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 172-176 pages, index UDK 612-08-092.9:615.225