About the author:
Shargorodska I. V., Liemienieva A. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The main manifestation of eyelids, tear ducts and orbits disorders is a dry eye disease (DED), which is considered as a serious disease affecting the quality of life. Now it influences each tenth inhabitant of the planet. The pathogenesis of the dry eye disease is the defect of Fas-mediated apoptosis, which makes it possible to penetrate CD4 + T-lymphocytes into the exocrine tissue with further damage to it. However, at the heart of the development of the dry eye lies not only the inflammatory mechanism. Current issues of modern ophthalmology are the search for new therapies, one of which is the application of BIOPTRON-PILER therapy. Aim: to study of pathophysiological mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy of poly- and monochromatic BIOPTRON-PILER-light of dry eye disease.Object and methods. Here, we used rats with an experimental model of the dry eye induced by inflammation of eye anterior surface. Alkaline burning was used to induce the development of inflammation. For the experiments, adult rats of the Wistar line were used, and males of the body weight from 250-300 grams. For anesthesia, xylazine 10 mg/kg body weight (Biovet Pulavi, Poland) and ketamine 60 mg/kg body weight (Farmak, Ukraine) were used. All experimental procedures were carried out in accordance with the rules of the Committee on Animal Bioethics of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NASU (Kyiv, Ukraine) and complied with the directives of the European Commission (86/609 / EEC). At 1 day after induction of DED BIOPTRON-PILER therapy was performed using the red filter of the BIOPTRON (Bioptron AG, Zepter Group, Swiss). The animals were fixed, the left eye was shielded and from the distance of 30 cm for 3 min, only the right eye was treated. Each animal received a course of treatment for 10 days. The results are showed that a fluorescein test carried out immediately after alkali application and on 1, 5 and 10 days demonstrated a gradual increase in corneal epithelization and vascularization. We observed substantial and statistically significant increase of lacrimation in experimental rats on a first day after induction of inflammation compared to naive animals. By the seventh day, the lacrimation decreased to a level with subsequent tendency to further decreased tear production. At the same time, there was no significant reduction in tear production on 7th day (compared to the first day) in a group of rats with the anterior surface inflammation that received polarized red light treatment, which may indicate a possible anti-inflammatory effect of such treatment. Conclusion. Obtained evidence of the positive anti-inflammatory effect of BIOPTRON-PILER-light in experimental model of the dry eye disease. Anti-inflammatory and protective effect of BIOPTRON-PILER therapy to treat patients with dry eye disease requires further study in clinical practice.
dry eye disease, inflammation of the anterior surface of the eye, fluorescein test, Schirmer test, polarized light, BIOPTRON-PILER therapy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 199-203 pages, index UDK 617.713-007.64