About the author:
Dubinin S. I., Piliugin V. O., Vatsenko A. V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Perederiy N. O., Riabushko O. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In conditions of reforming the education system of Ukraine, the problem of educational, methodical and material technical provision of the education process has become topical. The working out of educational and methodical complexes unifies the training of specialists in case of variety of teaching, methodical and material support. The educational process should be aimed at the personality development, formation and application of competencies, therefore, the work of the teachers should be focused on providing the modern educational, methodic and material support. It includes educational learning materials, aids for multimedia training, computer training programs and practical courses, test programs, educational videos, PC-based textbooks and materials developed by the teachers of department, as well as materials for independent study. The educational learning material should correspond to the current level of science development, be informative and provide the use of the modern methods and technical teaching aids. Since the educational process is a system of scientific, methodical and pedagogical activities aimed at the personality development through formation and application of competences, the effectiveness of the training process depends on achieving the optimal relationships between the fundamental and special professional disciplines. Medical biology as one of the fundamental disciplines provides the medical and biological training for health care professionals. The necessary condition for the effective realization of the practical activities in class is the student’s competence. Since the amount of information can be large, the level and effectiveness of self-tuition while preparing for the classes significantly depends on its methodical support. The staff of the department constantly works to improve the methodical, teaching and material technical provision of the education process. For this purpose, the practical workshop on medical biology was developed at the department. Each module is provided with the textbooks, which include the theoretical subject materials, tests and situational tasks. The training materials are constantly being improved and replenished with the new tests and tasks. The work with the test tasks includes three stages: studying during the self-training; checking the correctness of the test tasks solutions; conduction of the test control. Stepby-step activities with the tests promote the skills and abilities acquisition in their fulfillment among the first year students. The interactive training involves the use of the information technologies and the Internet. The teachers of the department have developed original computer programs for students’ self-training and test control of knowledge obtained. The electronic library of the department has been created and is constantly developing, which makes it possible to obtain the necessary information regarding the subject, literature, test tasks and lecture materials. This saves the students’ time and activates their self-training activities. Thus, the effectiveness of the educational process and, in particular, medical biology training depends on the improvement of the educational and methodic support and requires the constant methodical work of teachers. The use of computer technologies solves a number of educational problems, but it does not exclude the creative work of teachers.
educational learning and material technical provision, education process, work of teachers, information technologies
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 220-223 pages, index UDK 378.147: 577