About the author:
Shevela T. L., Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O., Kabak S. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Experimental and morphological studies are of great importance in dental implants osseointegration, especially when trying to optimize the process. After dental implants placement, all stages of reparative regeneration of bone tissue pass through the stages of bone wound healing. The stages of inflammation, proliferation and healing can be combined with each other, but in each period one of them dominates, which affects the bone mineral density and morphological structure (Locust EB, Gorchakov VN, Olesova VN). The aim. The authors according to the morphological study in experimental conditions substantiated a differentiated approach to the treatment of inflammatory complications in the bone tissue of the jaws after dental implantation. Object and methods. The study was performed on 33 Male chinchilla rabbits of about the same age and body weight. Based on the developed model of peri-implantitis and the author’s scale of evaluation of peri-implantitis, experimental animals were divided into three series of 11 animals in each. In animals of series 1 was diagnosed the development of mild peri-implantitis (while maintaining the stability of the implant in bone tissue), animals of series 2 were diagnosed with the development of a moderate degree of peri-implantitis (the presence of a pathological pocket in the implant area, but maintaining the stability of the implant) and in animals of the third series observed the mobility of the implant, which corresponds to the severe degree of peri-implantitis. Animals of series 1 were received local anti-inflammatory treatment in the implantation zone with 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, animals of series 2 and 3 in combination with surgical treatment, including curettage of granulation tissue and filling of bone defect in the implant area with osteotropic material. The results of the study and their discussion. In the micro-preparations of the first series before treatment in the area of contact of the implant with bone tissue there are areas of immature reticulofibrous tissue, forming a networklike structure, in the cells of which there are fragments of spongy substance beams with hemorrhage. On the 30th day in the area of the implant bed were seen non-osteocytic bone areas. Individual osteoclasts in Gaupp lacunae were visualized. On the surface of the cavity there was a wide layer of coarse-fibrous connective tissue layer of Mature species with a small number of elongated fibroblastic cell elements with slightly pronounced vascularization. In the second series of micropreparations before treatment, extensive hemorrhage was detected in the capsule around the implant, containing leukocytes and monocytes in its composition. Throughout the cortical plate morphological signs of high activity of the process of bone tissue formation are found. On the 30th day in the area of contact of the implant with the cortical plate partially tunable osteones and significant areas along the cartilage tissue are revealed. In series 3 micropreparations, when the implant in the bone tissue was mobile, a pronounced inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues was determined. Morphologically stated the destruction of bone tissue, leukocyte infiltration. Conclusion. The obtained data of morphological research can be the basis for the development of a differentiated pathogenetically correct approach to the treatment of postoperative complications in patients.
periimplantitis, experiment, treatment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (145), 2018 year, 336-339 pages, index UDK 616.31- 089.843-08-0.92.4