Ostrovska S. S., Myasoid Y. P., Kovtunenko R. V., Solomenko M. V., Pisarevsky K. I., Rukavyshnikova D. K., Zherzhova T. A.


About the author:

Ostrovska S. S., Myasoid Y. P., Kovtunenko R. V., Solomenko M. V., Pisarevsky K. I., Rukavyshnikova D. K., Zherzhova T. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Children’s health related to the environment is one of the most serious health problems worldwide. The impact of toxicants on the child in the womb and throughout development after birth may have serious health effects in the future. The most studied pollutants are toxic heavy metals, among which one of the first places is occupied by lead (Pb). The child’s growth may be associated with a prenatal or postpartum effect of Pb. The problem is the presence of Pb in milk. Even low Pb concentrations are able to overcome the placenta, the hematostephalic barrier and lead to a disorder of the production of cytokines, important immunomodulators, which also play a decisive role in the development of the central nervous system. In women Pb causes infertility, miscarriages, pre-eclampsia, hypertension, premature birth and directly affects the developmental stage of the fetus. The Pb level in the blood of the mother > 10 μg/dL is associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, premature labor and low body mass of the fetus at birth. According to another study, the risk of spontaneous abortion doubles if the level of Pb in the blood of the mother blood is 5-9 μg/dL. According to WHO, pediatric effects of Pb at various levels in the blood of children include toxicity for the development of 10 μg/dL, increase in the rate of the nervous conductivity of 20 μl/dL, decrease in the synthesis of hemoglobin of 40 μg/dl and death at the dosage of above 150 μg/dl. Acute encephalopathy, the most serious manifestation of Pb poisoning in children, occurs at blood concentrations of 80-100 μg/dl. The continuous impact of Pb on children causes neururoperative symptoms, a decrease in the concentration of attention, the inability to follow the instructions, difficulties with games and low IQ, which are associated with concentrations of 10-35 μg/dl. However, in some studies it is argued that a decrease in cognitive functions and low IQ may occur at concentrations of <10 μg/ dl. In the study, which analyzes the Pb content in the blood in children and its connection with socio-demographic variables and biochemical parameters, the safe concentration of Pb in the blood in children was not revealed. An increase in the level of Pb in the blood is associated with a delay in puberty in girls, which testifies to endocrine disorders and sexual development anomalies. Metabolic changes during pregnancy mobilize Pb from bones into the blood of the mother, thereby enhancing its toxic effect on the fetus. It is shown that the impact of Pb on the environment can adversely affect the function of the lungs in young people. There is a part of the population, which is especially sensitive to Pb neurotoxicity. One of the possible reasons may be associated with the genetic predisposition of susceptibility to Pb. A safe threshold of Pb impact on children does not exist.


Lead, toxic action, ways of entry, children`s health.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 71-76 pages, index UDK 614.7:613.95:546.81:612.014.46(048.8)