Chumak Y. V., Loban’ G. A., Ananieva M. M., Faustova M. O., Havryliev V. M.


About the author:

Chumak Y. V., Loban’ G. A., Ananieva M. M., Faustova M. O., Havryliev V. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Despite the large number of terms of this local complication, the only one for all is the cavity of the removed tooth, which is partially absent, ie has a violation of integrity or completely absent blood clot, ie the cavity of the tooth is dry. Alveolitis is an infectious-inflammatory process of the walls of the cavity of the extracted tooth, which occurs as a local post-extraction complication. It is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome. Analysis of the literature shows a large number of etiological factors that can alone or in combination provoke the appearance or intensify the inflammatory process of such a post-extraction complication as alveolitis. Analyzing the literature, it should be noted a very important etiological factor, which is the pathogenic microflora of the cavity of the removed tooth. Normally, after tooth extraction, a blood clot forms in its cavity. It covers the bottom and walls of the alveoli, performing a barrier and protective function.The microbial composition of odontogenic inflammation is often determined by the microbiota of the pathological process, it is also possible for microorganisms to enter the cavity of the extracted tooth, those that may be part of the oral microbiota, in poor oral hygiene and unsanitized oral cavity of the patient. The dental surgeon performs a set of manipulations aimed at treating this postextraction complication, immediately after the patient’s treatment, starting with anesthesia. An analysis of the scientific literature indicates that despite the great variety of methods used to combat this post-extraction complication, the issues remain relevant. The traditional method of treatment of alveolitis includes washing the hole with chlorhexidine and its tamponade with iodoform. Also in surgical dentistry for the treatment of post-extraction complications use pastes based on zinc oxide and eugenol, as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics. The use of platelet-rich blood plasma containing a high concentration of growth factors, which are key elements in wound healing, especially in bone regeneration. Given the urgency of the problem, it is necessary to find and study new drugs for the treatment and prevention of alveolitis.


microorganisms, infectious and inflammatory complications, alveolitis, tooth extraction, decane, chlorhexidine, iodoform, antibiotics


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 89-95 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.843-06-07