Bilash V. P.


About the author:

Bilash V. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Interdisciplinary integration of medical disciplines in the modern organization of the educational process systematizes knowledge, skills, and abilities of higher education, helps to successfully and rationally learn facts, phenomena, and processes, promotes awareness of the need for quality knowledge in various subjects or courses and determines their further use. The article analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of interdisciplinary integration in teaching human anatomy at a medical university. The mechanism of realization of subject-oriented education within the framework of vertical interdisciplinary integration and interdisciplinary horizontal integration is considered, which allows to carry out object-oriented education in a higher education institution. Implementation of the principles of interdisciplinary integration during practical classes and lectures requires research and teaching staff of the university departments of deep and meaningful knowledge of their subject and related disciplines to obtain an optimal balance between the material of the topic studied and information from other disciplines. The principles of interdisciplinary integration in the study of human anatomy, as well as other disciplines in medical school, help to increase the motivation of students of higher medical education to study and realize the practical significance of acquired competencies in future professional activities. The use of interdisciplinary technologies in the educational process will raise the student to a qualitatively new level of clinical thinking and based on the integration of knowledge – will provide an opportunity to solve complex problems of medical practice. Interdisciplinary integration is a necessary component of modern higher medical education, which encourages the creation of a productive system of knowledge, skills, abilities of students, improving the scientific and methodological base of educational institutions, improving the professional competence of professionals, and promoting the harmonious personality of future physicians.


interdisciplinary integration, human anatomy, students.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 185-188 pages, index UDK 611:378.14