About the author:
Hryn V. H., Ryabushko M. M., Bilash S. M., Lavrenko D. O., Sargosh O. D.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Abstract. Introduction. Poltava State Medical University (PDMU) has come a long and glorious way from the Faculty of Odontology, established on the basis of the Kharkiv Medical Academy in 1921 to a leading specialized institution for training doctors, which in 2021 celebrates its 100th anniversary. The medical faculty began its history in 1971, when the medical faculty was opened at the Poltava Medical Dental Institute. At this time, the institute had 15 departments and 11 independent courses on which worked: 161 teachers, including 12 doctors of sciences, professors and 89 associate professors, candidates of sciences. 1325 students studied at the institute, there was a preparatory department for 100 people. Since 1994, the medical faculty has been renamed the medical faculty, and since 2012 – the medical faculty №1. Medical Faculty № 1 is one of the main organizational and educational-scientific structural subdivisions of Poltava State Medical University, which was created by the decision of the Academic Council of the University and unites the relevant departments and works in accordance with the regulatory framework. The faculty is a powerful structural unit of the university, where about 1,500 students study. The main purpose of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists who know their job well, have fundamental theoretical and practical training, focused on world achievements in the field of medical science, are professionally competent and competitive in the development of modern society. At the Medical Faculty № 1 a modern material and technical base has been created, which fully provides the conditions for the training of specialists in the specialty «Medicine» and meets the requirements for the training of specialists in higher education. The faculty has developed and successfully operates a system of computer quality control of education, a prominent place is occupied by issues of methodological support of the educational process, the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies. During their studies, students take an active part in the work of the student scientific society, present their scientific achievements at international and national conferences, competitions, оlympiads, defend the honor of the faculty and university at sports competitions, receive honors and awards in cultural and artistic events. Conclusions. Thus, the medical faculty №1 of Poltava State Medical University does not stop at what has been achieved and confidently moves forward, sets promising goals, including improving the quality of education, improving the material and technical base, continuing the glorious educational traditions.
Poltava State Medical University, Medical Faculty №1, students, training specialists, educational process.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 189-194 pages, index UDK 378:61:394.46