Yeroshenko G. A., Lysachenko O. D., Bilash V. P., Kinash O. V., Shevchenko K. V., Solod A. V


About the author:

Yeroshenko G. A., Lysachenko O. D., Bilash V. P., Kinash O. V., Shevchenko K. V., Solod A. V



Type of article:

Scentific article


To enter the specialty «Medicine» entrants with a diplom of junior specialist must successfully pass the IEE (at least 100 points) in certain subjects and a professional exam, which contains tasks in anatomy, pathological anatomy, histology and microbiology (at least 25 points from each subject). On the positive side, students who have a junior specialist’s degree study at medical universities one year less than others. Some of the subjects studied in medical colleges are recalculated, which reduces the duration of training and partially reduces the load during the educational process. The attitude to the educational process of applicants for higher medical education who come to study at medical universities after graduating from medical colleges from applicants who graduated from secondary education – differs significantly. Applicants with a standard term of study have a certain stock of systematized knowledge, skills and practical skills acquired while studying in medical colleges, which greatly facilitates the process of obtaining higher education and distinguishes them with a tendency to adapt to new living conditions and learning. Some of the disciplines studied by students in the first year of study at medical universities (human anatomy, medical biology, pathomorphology, pathoanatomy, medical chemistry, microbiology, etc.) are familiar to applicants with the normative term of study since medical colleges, which greatly facilitates the study of these subjects . The process of adaptation to new learning conditions in applicants with a standard term of study is more calm and confident than in freshmen entering universities on the basis of secondary education. Thus, the correct organization, quality and efficiency of the educational process in the first year of higher medical school is an important factor in rapid adaptation to new living conditions, improving the effective training of future physicians, allows to expand their knowledge, skills and abilities, promotes activity, develops creative thinking and initiative of students. Educational and pedagogical staff of universities, and especially group curators, should pay attention not only to the attitude of applicants to the educational process (although this is important), but also to an important period in the life of a freshman – his adaptation to learning.


students, the reduced normative period of study.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 195-198 pages, index UDK 378.14:61