Yanko N. V., Kaskova L. F., Novikova S. C., Khmil O. V.


About the author:

Yanko N. V., Kaskova L. F., Novikova S. C., Khmil O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Nowadays Covid 19 and transforming the Ukraine`s healthcare system hit practical part of medical education, and especially dentists` preparation. Aim of the paper was reveal modern problems in practical preparation of dental undergraduates in Ukraine. Initially, student`s level of practical skills depends on his self-motivation to educational activity. There are many issues regarding the procrastination among students which could postpone practical preparation till graduation at medical university. Number of students in the group (10-12) worsens teacher`s abilities to control the practical skills of the student. All students do not make dental manipulations using phantom head manikin with replacement teeth, instead of this they plasticize using plastic denture or separate teeth. There is the need to make phantom exercises during the 2-5 years of study as on phantom, as on extracted teeth. Also independent work of students in learning algorithms of practical skills has to be controlled with tests. Recently, list of free dental manipulations, that provided by undergraduates, was shorted due transforming the Ukraine`s healthcare system. Pandemia Covid 19 worsened practical preparation of dental students as well. Giving abovementioned problems, nowadays dental students care not enough number of patients. Such advantages of student`s treatment need to be explained as no price and much more time compared to public dental clinics. Other way to improve student`s access to patients is cooperation with private dental clinics where students could assist dentists. In addition, review of illustrated cases with tests may help to prepare to the practice, because students do not meet with all dental diseases during studying. Problems in practical preparation of dental undergraduates in Ukraine related to their self-motivation and procrastination, organization of practical classes at medical universities, complicated access of students to patients due pandemia Covid 19 and transforming the Ukraine`s healthcare system. Introduction preclinical exercises during the 3-5 year of study, increased control of practical skills, popularization of student`s dental treatment and cooperation with private dental clinics may improve situation with practical skills.


students, competences, practical skills, motivation.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (161), 2021 year, 212-215 pages, index UDK 378.147.611.31-053.2