Кryzynа O. W.


About the author:

Кryzynа O. W.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Morbidity and prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world grow proof. Forecast, that 2030 to this number will increase of 552 millions (9,9% or 1 patient on diabetes mellitus on 10 healthy), and 2035 to 592 millions (10,1%). Thus on diabetes of the second type there is 90% of all cases of diabetes in the world. For today, yet unsolved is also a package of questions that touch the morphological changes of soft fabrics of lower limbs at a diabetes mellitus. In particular requires the study of question of loud speaker of changes of microvasculature and main vessels, that participate in the blood supply of soft fabrics of foot. One of the most proof changes at a diabetes mellitus is a diffuse bulge of basal membranes. The best of all it is shown in the capillaries of skin, skeletal muscles, retina of eye, kidney glomerulus and pyramids. Pathological changes of vessels at diabetes mellitus are the universal morphogenic sign of development of complications of diabetes, that are characterized different frequency, prevalence and features for every certain patient. Question that is primary or secondary in pathogen of angiophathy in relation to – it remains not decided. Research of bioptates of muscles of lower limbs, showed the presence of bulge of basal membrane of vessels for persons from premellitus a few years prior to manifestation of violations of carbohydrate exchange, also there are expressive functional violations of mikrokapilar river-bed as a decline of coronal reserve already on the early stages of diabetes. On the basis of it, some scientists consider that microangiopathies are genetically conditioned and confirm the point of view about microangiopathies, as a display of diabetes but not his complication. Clinical morphology of angiopathy at a diabetes mellitus is divided into a microangiopathy – at that capillaries, аutherioles and venus, are struck, and on microangiopathy – where the vessels of large and middle calibre are struck. A diabetic microangiopathy on the early stage is characterized the bulge of basal membranes, damage and proliferation of endothelial and pherecitis. On the late stage shows up a hyalinosis or sclerosis of vessels. The basic albuminous constituents of basal membranes are collagen: phibrilars collagen of іnthercelural matrice and, II, III, V of types and don’t phibrilars collagen of IV as a basal membrane, that substantially influence on the state of endothelial cages of vessels. Yes, collagen and as stimulates a height, but represses migration of endothelia, and type IV collagen acts antiangiogenically, as his structure is violated, aggregating of membrane matricis molecules and intermolecular intercommunications in basal membranes. Conformation of mutual relations is thus violated between proteoglycans and by other components of basal membranes, in a consequence what cellular adhesion comes on basal membranes that slows the valuable regeneration of damaged and gemomacrocirkulathio of mikrokapilar. At a hyperglycaemia, cooperating of fibred structures of basal membranes is sharply violated with adhesion molecules, squirrel of endocitoplasmathic matrice, soluble neurohumors, and perecstis and control group.


diabetes mellitus, complications of diabetes mellitus, microangiopathy at a diabetes mellitus, blood supply of soft fabrics of foot


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 20-24 pages, index UDK 616;614.4;612.4;611