Sarychev L. P., Sukhomlin S. A., Sarychev Y. V., Suprunenko S. M., Panasenko S. M.


About the author:

Sarychev L. P., Sukhomlin S. A., Sarychev Y. V., Suprunenko S. M., Panasenko S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The need to reform the health care system and the system of higher medical education, the opening of the European labor market and the need to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian specialists necessitates the improvement of training of urologists. Based on the results of the analysis of literature and own experience, shortcomings and problems in the training of urologists at the postgraduate stage were identified, and possible ways of their solution were identified. It is revealed that in the process of teaching, a significant number of future urologists do not receive full and qualitative knowledge. At this stage, insufficient time and non-rational organization of training prevent modern theoretical and practical training. 100% of students could not fully master all knowledge and practical skills, and 35% believe that the educational process is organized unsatisfactorily. Inadequate training in urology at the thesis stage creates significant difficulties in training in internships. In European countries, the duration of teaching urology ranges from 5 to 7 years, in Ukraine – only 2 years, which is clearly insufficient. In general, most interns do not receive the necessary knowledge and skills. The appearance of new methods of diagnosis and treatment requires appropriate changes in training programs, which often does not happen. Part of the practical skills required for development are obsolete and replaced by minimally invasive interventions, modern endoscopic and laparoscopic interventions are not sufficient. This leads to a discrepancy in the practical training of a specialist with modern standards for the provision of urological care. Due to the lack of time, no more than 50% of interns are able to substantiate the necessary technique of surgical intervention and less than 50% – to provide emergent urological care. During the training, 78% of interns do not perform the necessary volume of operations independently, 43% get insufficient theoretical knowledge, 32% face bias of their older colleagues, 58% of interns do not have experience in providing emergency medical care. To train interns, multidisciplinary clinics should be used, with a trained teaching staff with innovative diagnostic and curative technologies. In the conditions of limited training time, it is proposed to concentrate on the treatment of major urological diseases and mastering surgical skills in the scope of small, outpatient and emergency urology. Actual is the use of simulation models – simulators of operational benefits based on computer systems. Participation in real operations and training skills on stimulants allows you to be more effective in mastering operational benefits. In UMSA training of interns is conducted at the Department of Urology, located on a multi-profile internship base, where the theoretical and practical training of specialists is organically combined. For successful preparation innovative methods of training and knowledge control are applied. Theoretical material is presented on with multimedia accompaniment, with the help of special audio and video equipment. In practical exercises, interns use the learned theoretical material in practical activities. Preference is given to active teaching methods. Phantoms and simulators are used. Work with patients remains an important part of education. The knowledge and skills of interns are monitored continuously, using testing programs. The quality of independent work remains important, one of the forms of which is participation in research. Using new and traditional methods makes the learning process more effective.


urology, internship doctors, educational process, postgraduate education


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 172-175 pages, index UDK 616.6:378.14