Chernenko V. M.


About the author:

Chernenko V. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Esthetic result of orthopedic construction with use of different implantation methods depend on preservation primary form of the alveolar ridge in conditions of physiological bite types and absence of periodontal tissues diseases. The placement of qualitative osseointegrated implant perpendicular to the prosthetic surface predicts the success of its long-term functioning. The methods of immediate dental implantation with immediate or delayed loading, when the dental implant is placing along the tooth extracted channel, allows to save the form of the alveolar crest. In case presence of anatomical conditions for immediate loading there is a shortening of treatment terms. The problem of mismatching the hole shape after tooth extraction to the shape of the implant is solved by the appearance of osteoplastic materials. Materials of choice after autogenous bone are xenogenous osteoplastic materials, because besides the osteoconductive effect there is also an osteoinductine property due to the presence of sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The osteoinductive effect of these materials occurs during the resorption of the xenograft itself. In norm sulfated glycosaminoglycans are practically absent in their free form. Thus, there is a constant osteoinduction as the material is resorbed, that causes the acceleration of osteogenesis. Determination the effectiveness of osteoplastic materials in conditions of admissible value of the dental implant micro-mobility requires a comprehensive approach to various methods of research without the use of stimulation methods or addition osteogenic potential to peri-implant zone. Before a study using endosteal implantation, the need for a predetermined period of clinical research is important to determine the reliability of the results. An individual approach on the stage of a temporary orthopedic construction is a necessary measure of the success rehabilitation because that provides sterility of osteoplastic material and prevention of its infection.


dental implantation, osseointegration, osteoplastic material, immediate loading


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 326-330 pages, index UDK 616.71-74 2