Janbakhishov T.G., Aliyeva E.M., Mustafaueva I.R., Bayramova E.V.


About the author:

Janbakhishov T.G., Aliyeva E.M., Mustafaueva I.R., Bayramova E.V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Goal of the study. To study the risk factors and incidence of Rh isosensitization in women with Rh negative blood. Material and methods. 13 pregnant women with Rh isosensitization were examined. Based on the data of somatic and obstetric anamnesis, risk factors for the development of Rh isosensitization were identified. The average age of the examined was 30.3±14.16 years, and ranged from 25–41 years. The onset of sexual life of the patients was at the age of 23.26±2.5 (17–18) years. The study of obstetric history revealed that the total number of pregnancies was 4.0±2.2 (1–10), childbirth 2.2±0.9 (1–4), abortion 2.0±1.7 (1–5), the total number of children at home is 1.1±0.3 (1–2). Results. It was established that the risk factors for the development of isosensitization in pregnant women with Rh negative blood are the absence of immunoprophylaxis after previous births in 92.3 % of pregnant women, the absence of immunoprophylaxis after an interrupted pregnancy in 84.6 %, the presence of antenatal fetal death in an obstetric history in 53.8 % of cases, 46.2 % of examined had premature detachment of a normally located placenta during a previous pregnancy, 46.2 % of pregnant women had first trimester hemorrhage, 30.8 % of pregnant women had a history of induced abortions, 15.4 % had a history of spontaneous miscarriages and 15.4 % incorrect diagnosis of Rh affiliation. Conclusions. 1. The risk factors for the development of isosensitization in the conditions of the city of Baku are: lack of immunoprophylaxis after previous births (92.3 %), abortion (84.6 %), a history of antenatal fetal death (53,8 %), premature detachment of a normally located placenta (46.2 %), bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy (46.2 %), a history of surgical abortion(30.8 %), a history of spontaneous miscarriage (15.4 %), incorrect determination of Rh affiliation (15.4 %). 2.Timely anti-D immunoprophylaxis in pregnant women with a high risk factor for isosensitization and the development of hemolytic disease of the fetus significantly decreases the rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality from hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.


isosensitization, anti-D immunoprophylaxis, Rh isoimmunization.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 170-173 pages, index UDK 618.3+616–053.3