Filatova O.V.


About the author:

Filatova O.V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Tuberculosis is an acute medical and social problem, characterized by a regular and high rate of increase in morbidity, mortality and disability. Mortality from this dangerous disease is one of the first among other infectious and parasitic diseases, accounting for more than 80 %. Currently, the prevalence of tuberculosis in all countries of the world, including our country, leads to a steady decline in population life, as well as loss of temporary and permanent working capacity, increased provision of appropriate and modern medical services, inequality of social status. Object and methods of research. We examined 60 patients with newly diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis, (30 main (I) and 30 control (II) groups. The main group included patients to whom anti-TB drugs were added tocopherol acetate and tincture of Echinacea purpurea. Patients in both groups were diagnosed with disease with destructive changes in the lungs and the presence of bacterial excretion. Among the examined patients were men – 46 (76.6 %), women – 14 (23.4 %). Results. 1. In patients of the control group after treatment there was an increase in the number of lymphocytes from (12,3±1,12) to (17.2±1,5), (p<0,05), B-lymphocytes increased from (31,2±0,81) to (67,1±0,2) (p<0,05). Indicators of T-helpers were (29,4±1,81) against (24,1±0,5), (p>0,05). Normal were T-suppressors (16,3±1,05) versus (20,3±0,5), (p<0,05). HCT test data were (23,1±2,02) versus (15,3±3,5), (p<0,05). The number of T-lymphocytes slightly increased from (11,7±5,11) to (15,4±0,1), (p>0,05). The phagocytic index increased to (7,3±2,02) versus (12,4±0,9), (p<0,05). There was a slight increase in immunoglobulin class G (1,3±0,51) against (3,5±0,6), (p>0,05). A similar pattern is observed with class A immunoglobulin (1,4±0,8) versus (3,1±0,4), (p>0,05). Class M immunoglobulin increased after treatment, (26,2±3,21) versus (48,1±6,4), (p<0,05). Normalization of CEC concentration indicators (3,8±0,25) versus (7,1±0,2), (p<0,05) and natural killers from (22,2±1,25) to (45,1±1,4), (p<0,05). 2. In patients of the main and control groups, the indicators of antioxidant protection at the beginning of treatment did not differ significantly. Indicators of diene conjugates were (85,8±2,80) in the main group and (85,3±2,23) in the control group (p>0,05). MDA levels were (14,47±0,26) versus (13,18±0,76), (p>0,05). The number of SGE reached (3,76±0,11) against (3,11±0,10), (p>0,05). The catalase results were (2,67±0,09) versus (2,59±0,07), (p>0,05). SOD almost did not differ in patients of the main and control groups (0,64±0,037) against (0,655 ±0,027), (p> 0,05). The amount of ceruloplasmin was (301,40±2,15) versus (302,80±3,12), (p>0,05). The average molecules did not differ in the main and control groups (0,272±0,004) versus (0,274±0,003), (p>0,05). In patients of the control group after completion of treatment there was an increase in the number of lymphocytes from (11,4±1,22) to (19,2±1,6), (p<0,05). B-lymphocytes increased from (34,2±0,85) to (69,4±0,2) (p<0,05). T-helpers were (32,4±1,83) versus (36,1±0,6), (p>0,05). Normal values of T-suppressors (16,2±2,05) versus (21,2±0,6), (p>0,05). HCT test data were (20,1±2,01) versus (17,2±3,6), (p<0,05). The number of T-lymphocytes increased slightly from (10,4±5,14) to (11,3±0,4), (p>0,05). The phagocytic index increased to (8,4±2,01) versus (10,2±1,5), (p<0,05). Class G immunoglobulin values increased slightly (1,2±0,54) versus (1,4±0,2), (p>0,05). The same pattern is observed with class A immunoglobulin (1,4±0,11) versus (1,2±0,2), (p>0,05). Immunoglobulin M after treatment increased (24,4±3,32) against (34,4±5,2), (p>0,05). There was a normalization of the concentration of the CEC (1,5±0,34) against (6,2±0,1), (p<0,05). The indicators of natural killers were normalized from (17,2±1,38) to (24,2±1,3), (p<0,05). Conclusions. 1. In patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis before taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in the main and control groups, the immunogram did not differ significantly. 2. According to the analysis of the study we can conclude that in patients of the main group in comparison with the control group normalized all immunogram parameters, namely: the number of lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, T-helpers, T-suppressors, HCT-test, T-lymphocytes, phagocytic index, class G immunoglobulin, class A immunoglobulin, class M immunoglobulin, cytoimmune complex, natural killers. 3. Thus, it makes sense to correct changes in the state of the immune and antioxidant system in patients with newly diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis.


tuberculosis, chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis, immune and antioxidant system.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 249-259 pages, index UDK 616.24–002.5:615.37