Babenko V.I., Starchenko I.I., Fylenko B.M., Royko N.V., Nikolenko D. Ye.


About the author:

Babenko V.I., Starchenko I.I., Fylenko B.M., Royko N.V., Nikolenko D. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Medical education is one of the most important educational segments in Ukraine and worldwide. To increase the competitiveness of our students, the faculty members must constantly modernize the educational process in the current conditions of the pandemic of coronavirus infection and the undeclared war of aggression of russia against Ukraine. The aim of the work was to highlight the key issues of teaching pathomorphology and features of the organization of the educational process in wartime. Pathomorphology plays an important role in the diagnostic process and helps the future physician to understand the symptomatic and syndromic aspects of most diseases and forms a clear and systematic view of the nosological nature of pathology in the study at the organ, tissue and cellular levels. Under the coronavirus pandemic, the educational process was transformed into a distance form, and later into a mixed one. It was during this period that the first wave of declining students’ motivation to actively and persistently obtain new information was noticeable. Therefore, one of the priority areas of work with students during distance learning is their motivation, which requires high organizational skills of the faculty staff members with proper coordination of learning with an individualized approach to each student to ensure interest in the subject. Each graduate has the opportunity to receive full information on the subject «Pathomorphology» on the website of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with the autopsy course and in the repository of the university for productive self-training. Against the background of a long pandemic, the hostilities that suddenly began in our country led to a very deep psycho-emotional shock, which had a wave-like course with the development of posttraumatic stress disorder. Consequently, the motivation to study and work has significantly decreased among students and faculty members. Therefore, in wartime, we must take into account not only material resources, technical support and access to Internet resources, but also the psychological state of students and faculty staff. In the current challenging times, it is necessary to constantly search for the advanced teaching methods in order to ensure a full-fledge educational process. Also, in addition to the continuous mastery of skills in the use of the stateof-the-art technologies, which are being constantly updated, it is important to improve knowledge of psychological pedagogy, which is crucial in wartime.


wartime, educational process, distance learning, psychological pedagogy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 293-300 pages, index UDK 378.147:616-092