Bilash S.M., Koptev M.M., Pronina O.M., Pirog-Zakaznikova A. V., Oliinichenko Ya. O., Donchenko S.V


About the author:

Bilash S.M., Koptev M.M., Pronina O.M., Pirog-Zakaznikova A. V., Oliinichenko Ya. O., Donchenko S.V



Type of article:

Scentific article


Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery is a practice-oriented semi-clinical discipline that highlights applied aspects of modern anatomy. Its founder, a prominent domestic surgeon and morphologist M.I. Pirogov, realized in the last century how important for medical practice is the continuous study of the anatomical structure of the human body along with surgical techniques. Since then, Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery has been an integral part of medical education programs. The Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy has always demonstrated a high level of practical training for students in this discipline. However, changes in educational programs that have been made in recent years have begun to negatively affect the practical training of students in Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. This study aims to analyze the impact of recent changes in Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery programs on the practical student’s training.According to the analysis, the Department of Topographic (later – Clinical) Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy has always had significant achievements in the practical training of its students. In 2015–2019, the winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy were three times students of our university, 20 students of the department won in various sub-competitions of Olympiads and All-Ukrainian competitions. Since 2016, students who actively participated in the student research group of the department received 18 diplomas of winners of I–III degrees for participation in student scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad. Recent changes in educational programs have led to a sharp reduction in the number of hours devoted to the practical work of students, which made it impossible to fully master the practical skills of the discipline. The situation can be remedied by introducing a new cross-cutting discipline «Descriptive and Clinical Anatomy with the Fundamentals of Operative Surgery» or by introducing an independent compulsory educational component «Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery», in the structure of which most lessons will be devoted to practical work. Changing educational programs with the introduction of the compulsory educational component «Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery» is an urgent need that will not only improve the understanding of human morphology but create a solid base of practice-oriented knowledge for practical work in surgery.


clinical anatomy and operative surgery, practical training, curricula, educational programs.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 301-308 pages, index UDK 378.147:611.01:616–089