Hryn V.G., Svintsytska N.L., Bilash V.P., Ustenko R.L., Katsenko A.L., Piliuhin A. V


About the author:

Hryn V.G., Svintsytska N.L., Bilash V.P., Ustenko R.L., Katsenko A.L., Piliuhin A. V



Type of article:

Scentific article


One of the urgent issues of the higher medical institution today is to provide and improve the teaching of morphological disciplines to foreign students. The reasons for this are the high level of need for medical education in many countries, the sufficient level of teaching in Ukrainian higher education institutions and attractive learning conditions. Poltava State Medical University (PSMU) also actively cooperates with various international organizations, constantly establishes ties with universities in other countries and is implemented in the international educational space. A significant role in the world is given to the study of fundamental disciplines, because they create the basis for the knowledge that students acquire in clinical departments. In general, training at the Department of Human Anatomy does not differ significantly when comparing domestic and English-language forms of education, that is the amount of information, requirements for students and teaching methods are similar. At the heart of the educational process at the Department of Human Anatomy is the methodological principle, which provides for practical classes and lectures in the curriculum, in accordance with the working curriculum and syllabus. After studying any anatomical section, a final lesson is held, and after completing the discipline, students take a semester final certification in the form of an exam. Increasing the number of students of English-speaking form of education has set a difficult task – to master the methods of practical classes and lectures in English, increase the effectiveness of educational activities to ensure a high level of knowledge in the subject. It is also necessary to form a high level of spoken English in teachers, create and improve the educational and methodological base, purchase modern English textbooks, as well as prepare foreign students to take the licensing-integrated exam «Step-1». Despite all the peculiarities, the training of English-speaking doctors is the right step of any domestic higher medical institution and is a reflection of global practice


educational process, distance education, higher education seeker, morphology, anatomy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 317-325 pages, index UDK 378.147:611=111