Yeroshenko H.A., Klepets O.V., Riabushko O.B., Vatsenko A.V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Kinash O.V., Shevchenko K.V.


About the author:

Yeroshenko H.A., Klepets O.V., Riabushko O.B., Vatsenko A.V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Kinash O.V., Shevchenko K.V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


A special category of terms in medical biology are eponyms – concepts that are fully or partially formed from the proper names. Eponymous terms are an integral part of the professional language of medicine, where they are used to denote various anatomical and morphological structures, diseases, syndromes, reactions, operations, drugs, methods of diagnosis and treatment, etc. Students are better able to memorize complex eponymous terms if they understand their origin. However, such information is usually absent in the educational literature. In this regard, there is a need to focus teachers and students on the history of formation of some eponymous concepts on medical biology, as well as to determine the place of these terms in specific sections of the discipline. The aim of this work is to find out the origin of eponymous terms in molecular biology (Chargaff’s rules, Okazaki fragments, Robertsonian translocation, Morgan unit) and to analyze the possibilities of their use in the educational process. The obtained results showed the considered eponymous terms are widely used in the study of many topics from different sections of medical biology, including molecular biology, as well as integratively related to other theoretical disciplines. Finding out the origin of these terms, their connection with the personalities of scientists, the circumstances of scientific discoveries are prerequisitese for students to get deep theoretical knowledge on the discipline, their effective mastery of professional medical terminology, development of their logical thinking, scientific and cultural outlook. Besides the material of the article is recommended for in-depth study of medical biology, particularly, in preparing for the All-Ukrainian Student Subject Olympiad and organization of the students’ research work.


eponyms, medical-biological terminology, medical biology, molecular biology. molecular-genetic level of life organization.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 326-335 pages, index UDK 001.4–028.53:378.147:57.089