Skrypnikova T.P., Kulai O.O., Khmil T.A., Gurzhii O.V., Prykhodchenko S.V., Tymoshenko Yu. V.


About the author:

Skrypnikova T.P., Kulai O.O., Khmil T.A., Gurzhii O.V., Prykhodchenko S.V., Tymoshenko Yu. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Higher education institutions in Ukraine have to operate in extremely difficult conditions due to the realities of everyday life: in the global pandemic of coronavirus infection, in the martial law the key importance is to be given to continuing educational process and the need for communication support for higher education students and educators. Currently, there is an urgent need to consider the organizational and methodological conditions of the virtual educational process and the possibility of using such traditional pedagogical forms as a lecture. The purpose of the paper is to determine the organizational and methodological specificities of the lecture in the videoconference format in the practice of the postgraduate education of dentists. Among the significant advantages of such a lecture are the following: the absence of geographical restrictions, the size of the audience, which is limited only by technical capabilities; lecture recording, which can be viewed unchanged; there is a transfer of knowledge in an interactive mode; the opportunity for listeners to become real interlocutors to share experiences. However, the lecture in the format of a videoconference has a number of disadvantages, such as the need for appropriate equipment for all participants of the learning process; highspeed Internet connection; availability of an appropriate level of information and communication literacy; a lecturer must have pre-prepared «content», the creation of which requires more time and effort; difficulties in getting the audience’s attention; existence of the emotional crisis. The postgraduate lecture audience is very diverse: intern doctors with less clinical experience and advanced training doctors with more experience up to several decades, who work in different institutions: budget clinic, private clinic, other HEIs. To satisfy the audience, lecturers pay considerable attention to the comparison of traditional and non-traditional clinical course of dental diseases, issues of their differential diagnosis and the up-to-date treatment approaches. Demonstrations of clinical cases are always from their working experience or those of the department staff, since physicians know examples from the Internet, in addition, they have the opportunity to compare lectures, because they can be listeners of other lecturers and scientific communities. The lives, health and safety of the trainees and educators are important and essential, and, consequently, online classes are becoming the only possible form of learning to date. The use of the specificities of the lecture in the format of a videoconference in the practice of the postgraduate education of dentists ensures its continuity and effectiveness.


lecture, videoconference, online learning, postgraduate education.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 354-361 pages, index UDK 378.147:616.314