Fedorchenko V.I., Polianska V.P., Zvyagolska I.M., Derevіanko T.V., Bobrova N.A.


About the author:

Fedorchenko V.I., Polianska V.P., Zvyagolska I.M., Derevіanko T.V., Bobrova N.A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Strategies for communication between people are determined by the goals they intend to achieve and the emotional intelligence of each participant in the social interaction. A teacher of higher education institutions should be aware of the achievements of psychology in order to create a harmonious atmosphere with students. The teacher should choose the strategy of the interaction of individuals in the educational process to optimize the process of achieving students’ educational goals. Goal. One of the general competencies provided by the educational program is the choice of interaction strategy. It is the subject of this article. Main part. Competent construction of interaction between the participants of the educational process is an essential component for the formation of the ability of applicants for higher medical education to choose constructive communication strategies in their occupation. Knowledge and practical skills acquired in social interaction during the grad days are fundamental in professional activity. The effectiveness of his activities largely depends on his communicative skills. These skills apply to the nature of each doctor’s relationship with patients, subordinates, colleagues, and the management of the medical institution. The communicative skills of a health worker play a leading role in the formation of his mastership. The doctor must have the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of another person. When communicating with the patient, it is essential to reach an agreement, mutual understanding, and commitment. At the same time, the doctor should remain tolerant towards the patient, not degrade his dignity. Conclusions. 1. Today is characterized by the growing importance of awareness of the teacher of higher education about the achievements of psychology.2. The teacher should choose strategies for the interaction of individuals in the learning process to optimize the process of achieving their constructive goals. 3. The competent construction of interaction between the participants of the educational process is an important component of the ability to choose constructive communication strategies for future doctors.


Emotional intelligence, manipulations, communication strategies, humanistic goals of the learning, manipulative goals.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 362-366 pages, index UDK 378.147:61